Go to musescore.com/sheetmusic to view other scores from MuseScore.
You can save and share your scores online at MuseScore.com. You can choose to save a score privately for personal access from any computer, or share it publicly. MuseScore.com enables the viewing and playback of scores in your web browser - an additional feature entitled VideoScores
allows synchronization between the score and a YouTube video. For use outside of a web browser, you can download the score in a variety of formats (including PDF, MIDI, MP3, MusicXML, and the original MuseScore file).
To save a score online:
From the menu, select File→Save Online.... The "Log in to MuseScore" dialog will appear:
Enter your email address or MuseScore username, and password, then click OK. Note: If you don't have a MuseScore account yet, create one first by clicking on the "Create an account" link. That will open your browser app and bring you to musescore.com/user/register.
Upon successfully logging in, you'll be able to enter your score information.
In case you already saved the score online earlier, it will automatically update the existing one, and, as of version 2.1, you can enter some additional information in a changlog section of the dialog, which you can then retrieve on MuseScore.com under "Revision history" for that score. Uncheck Update the existing score to save online as a new score.
(As of version 2.1) If you are using a different SoundFont than the default one and if you are able to export MP3 files, a checkbox Upload score audio will be visible:
If the checkbox is checked, MuseScore will render the audio of the score using the current synthesizer settings and upload the audio to MuseScore.com.
You can also upload a score directly on MuseScore.com.
Note: Should you reach the five score upload limit, you can still upload scores directly from MuseScore, but only the last five are visible. If you wish more than this amount, upgrade to a Pro Account first.
If you want to make changes to one of your scores on MuseScore.com, edit the MuseScore file on your own computer, save it, and then do the following:
It is much more convenient to update online scores from directly within MuseScore than by updating the score manually from the score page. Follow these steps if you originally uploaded the score via the Upload page and now want to switch to the direct method:
Now whenever you want to update the online score simply go to File→Save Online....