Fingering symbols for various instruments are found in the Fingering palette in the Advanced workspace.
Keyboard music employs the numbers 1–5 to represent fingers of the left or right hand. There is also a fingering positioner plugin to help you optimize the layout of piano or keyboard fingerings.
Guitar music uses the numbers 0–4 to represent left-hand fingering (T is occasionally used for the thumb). Right-hand fingering is indicated by the letters p, i, m, a, c. Circled numbers represent instrument strings.
The last five symbols in the palette are used for lute fingering in historical music. Note: To enable display of fingering in tablature, right-click on the TAB, select Staff Properties...→Advanced style properties, and tick "Show Fingerings".
Use any of the following methods:
When fingering is added to a note, the focus immediately shifts to the symbol, so you can adjust it right away.
To change the position of one symbol, use any of the following methods:
To change the position of multiple symbols:
Note: You can also use the fingering positioner plugin mentioned above to optimize the layout of piano fingerings.
To restore a symbol to its default position, select it and press Ctrl+R.
Fingering is a form of text symbol and can be edited and styled like any other. Right-clicking on the symbol gives you a range of options.