
Updated 2 jare ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Uitvoer.

Bladmusiek kan uitgevoer word deur middel van LêerBerg As... to several different formats:

Gekompakteerde MuseScore formaat (*.mscz)
MSCZ is die standard MuseScore lêer formaat en word aanbeveel vir meeste gebruike. Bladmusiek wat in hierdie formaat gestoor is gebruik min skyf spasie, maar behou al die nodige inligting. Die formaat is 'n ZIP-gekompakteerde weergawe van die .mscx lêers.
MuseScore formaat (*.mscx)
MSCX is die ongekompakteerde weergawe van die MuseScore lêer formaat vir gebruik vanaf weergawe 0.9.5. Bladmusiek wat in hierdie formaat gestoor word, sal geen inligting verloor nie. Hierdie formaat word aanbeveel indien u die lêer formaat eiehandig wil verander deur gebruik te maak van 'n teks redigeerder. Vorige weergawes van MuseScore het die MSC lêer formaat gebruik. Die MSC lêer formaat en Microsoft Windows lewer soms konflikte op en word ook geblok deur sommige e-pos verskaffers. Die nuwe MSCX lêer formaat vervang die ou MSC lêer formaat as gevolg van die probleme soos hierbo genoem.
MusicXML (*.xml)
MusicXML is die universele standaard vir bladmusiek en kan gebruik word deur meeste van die huidig beskikbare sisteemskrywers insluitend Sibelius, Finale, en meer as 100 ander. Hierdie is die aanbevole formaat vir die gebruik van ander sisteemskrywers.
Gekompakteerde MusicXML (*.mxl)
Gekompakteerde MusicXML maak kleiner lêers invergelyking met die gewone MusicXML. Gekompakteerde MusicXML is 'n nuwer standaard en word nie so wyd ondersteun deur ander sisteemskrywers op hierdie stadium nie.
MIDI (*.mid)
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a format widely supported by sequencers and music notation software. However MIDI files are designed for playback not score layout so they do not contain information about formatting, pitch spelling, voicing, ornaments, articulations, repeats, or key signatures, among other things. To share files between different music notation software use MusicXML. If all you care about is playback then use MIDI.
PDF (*.pdf)
Portable Document Format (PDF) is ideal for sharing your sheet music with others who do not need to edit the music. Most computer users already have a PDF viewer on their computer so they will not need to install any extra software to see your score.
PostScript (*.ps)
PostScript (PS) popular as a page description language used in printing.
PNG (*.png)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a bitmap image format with native support on all major operating systems and image software and popular on the web. As of version 0.9.3 Multi-page scores export a PNG file for every page. MuseScore creates images as they would appear on the printed page. If you want to create images that show screen-only items such as frame boxes, invisible notes, and out-of-range note colors then go to EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...) click on the Export tab and mark "Screen shot function" check box.
SVG (*.svg)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can be opened by most web browsers (except Internet Explorer) and most vector graphics software. However most SVG software does not support embedded fonts so the appropriate MuseScore fonts must be installed to view these files correctly.
LilyPond (*.ly)
LilyPond format can be opened by the Lilypond scrorewriter . However LilyPond export is incomplete and experimental in the current versions of MuseScore.
WAV Audio (*.wav)
WAV (Waveform Audio Format) is an uncompressed sound format developed by Microsoft and IBM but widely supported by software for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. This is an ideal format for creating CDs since no sound quality is lost in the process of saving the file. However the large file sizes make it difficult to share via email or the web. This export option is available in version 0.9.5 or later.
FLAC Audio (*.flac)
Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is compressed audio format. FLAC files are approximately half the size of uncompressed audio and just as good quality. Windows and Mac OS do not have built-in support for FLAC but software such as VLC media player can play FLAC files on any operating system. This export option is available in version 0.9.5 or later.
Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)
Ogg Vorbis is intended as a patent-free replacement for the popular MP3 audio format. Like MP3, Ogg Vorbis files are relatively small (often a tenth of uncompressed audio) but some sound quality is lost. Windows and Mac OS do not have built-in support for Ogg Vorbis. However software such as VLC media player and Firefox 3.5 or later can play Ogg files on any operating system. This export option is available in version 0.9.5 or later.