MuseScore Studio 4.4.1 is now available!

• Септ. 5, 2024 - 12:15

Hi everyone,

We're pleased to announce that MuseScore Studio 4.4.1 is now available.

MuseScore Studio 4.4 featured some big updates to the underlying technologies, most notably the switch to Qt 6. Despite our thorough testing, this has inevitably caused some bugs on certain systems. This update addresses these problems, featuring more than 50 bug fixes and stability improvements in total.

Stability fixes

This update contains fixes for

  • A Qt problem that caused some Windows users to see only an empty screen, depending on their graphics setup
  • A crash that occurred when opening the color picker on Linux
  • A crash when Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+dragging sticking and lyrics elements
  • A crash that occurred with the Kontakt 7 VST3 plugin
  • A crash when reordering and then deleting staves under specific circumstances
  • A crash that occurred when opening certain legacy scores
  • A crash when deleting glissandos in Continuous View
  • A crash when opening certain tablature scores
  • A crash when adding a new part in scores with pick-up or other non-counted measures


  • Legacy scores are no longer erroneously reported as corrupted
  • Scores with multi-byte (i.e. "non-English") characters in the filename can be opened again on Windows

Engraving and score interaction fixes

  • This update brings small enhancements to the layout of and interaction with dynamics and hairpins
  • Sometimes dragging key signatures onto the first measure didn't seem to work; this has been fixed
  • Pedal markings would unexpectedly not connect to each other under specific circumstances; this was resolved
  • A problem that occurred when dragging guitar bends in Continuous View was resolved
  • Voltas are again restricted to apply to entire measures only
  • Voltas no longer disappear in parts under certain circumstances
  • The minimum padding between note flags and noteheads was reduced (particularly useful when there are many grace notes, as in marching percussion scores)
  • Staccato markings at the stem side are now correctly placed when "French style" beams are used
  • Measure numbers appear closer to the staff again (outside of staff notation, but inside voltas and other system markings)
  • Cross-staff slurs won't unexpectedly disappear anymore
  • Roman Numeral Analysis appears in the correct font again
  • Alternative tablature fonts are rendered correctly again
  • An issue was fixed where Ctrl/Cmd+clicking elements would not work as expected
  • Accidentals no longer disappear entirely when all accidentals on a chord have 'Visible' or 'Autoplace' unchecked

Playback fix

  • For some people, lyrics playback with Muse Sounds was not working; this has been resolved.

Miscellaneous improvements

  • Small MusicXML import issues were resolved
  • A MIDI export issue with pedal markings was fixed
  • A UI issue was fixed in the "Create key signature" and "Create time signature" dialogs
  • Translation issues with certain palette cells were fixed
  • The 'A' and 'F' keys are no longer mapped to the wrong action with certain keyboard layouts on macOS
  • The amount of disk space occupied by the app on macOS has been reduced

For even more detail, see the MuseScore Studio 4.4.1 project on GitHub.

With thanks to everyone who constructively helped us identifying and resolving these issues!


I hate to be negative, but playback stability here is worse for me than it's been in a long time. The program used to play MuseSounds with very little issue, however, there is now constant stuttering whenever multiple instruments are playing, almost as bad as the stutters when MuseScore 4 first released. Hope this can be fixed soon

In reply to by MichelCA

Here on MacOS 13.5.2 and NSS4.4.1—finally—there's almost no delay in sound output when clicking or entering a note.

@MichelCA wrote there's a delay when you hit the play button with muse sounds!

Sorry to hear that, but I'd almost prefer a delay. I hear a fade in, where the first notes are sometimes almost inaudible. I think it's been like that since 4.0.

I rely on MS3.7 for production, but spend a bit of time testing 4.x ... so I've gotten in the habit of starting playback a couple of beats before the section I want to hear. But that doesn't help in all cases like: • at the beginning of a score • before a 2nd or 3rd ending

I'm curious, do you get a fade-in as well, or is it just as delay?

In reply to by scorster

I experience numerous clicks and pops, particularly during note entry, with both the built-in instruments and the Spitfire libraries purchased through MuseHub. Despite using a high-performance computer (MacBook Pro M1 Max), increasing the audio buffer only partially alleviates the problem.

MSS4.4.1-242490810, revision: 0b3dd00

In reply to by jacobcenter25

MuseScore Studio 4.4.0 actually contained some big optimisations w.r.t. playback, but we have heard reports from people for whom this has had an adverse effect, mostly on low-end computers. We are working on a solution and aim to include that in the upcoming 4.4.2 release.

Edit: contrary to what we assumed based on initial reports, this also affects some non-low-end devices, so there is no clear deciding factor about why some people have this issues and others don't. Anyway, as said, we are working on a fix.

In reply to by jacobcenter25

Same to me. I've a sheet with piano notes (Billy Joels Leningrad) and chords. When I play it in version 4.4.1, it sounds awful, can't really describe it. Have gone back to version 4.3.2. Sounds good.
Maybe it up to my computer, its an older Dell Pentium Quadcore, I've upgraded to 16GB RAM and a 250GB SSD.
Maybe the soundcard is the problem.

Since this last update, I can't export pdf files it just me?
I can see them when I'm trying to export, for example, when I export it for the second time, but everytime I go to that fold, the file isn't there...
Help, please!
Thank you!

In reply to by giselasilva2305

I haven't seen any earlier reports of this, and cannot reproduce it myself. So you can see the exported pdf files in the file dialog that appears when trying to export for the second time, but not when you navigate to that folder in Windows Explorer or Finder, right? Perhaps a stupid question but are you really sure that you are looking in the correct folder?

Where are my Muse Sounds?? I just updated! open an orchestral Score and the muse sounds and muse effects are gone! aren't anywhere!! Is just showing the basic musescore sounds. I have to deliver a mock up with the professional muse sounds and they're gone!! need help asap please!
Captura de pantalla 2024-09-07 062649.png Captura de pantalla 2024-09-07 062649.png Captura de pantalla 2024-09-07 062649.png

In reply to by MichelCA

MuseScore 4.4 requires the latest version of MuseSampler, which is the engine behind Muse Sounds. Normally, Muse Hub should automatically update it, but we have seen cases where this has failed. We think this may happen when MuseScore is still running while Muse Hub tries to perform the update.

To fix the situation, try this:
1. Close MuseScore completely
2. Quit Muse Hub completely
3. Reopen Muse Hub, and wait a few minutes; it should now update MuseSampler
4. After a few minutes, you can open MuseScore again and hopefully the sounds will be back.

I'm glad that you keep fixing all these problems, however MuseScore has been functioning for me rather poorly lately (MacBook Pro M2). I've had little issues with 4.3 versions. Then 4.4 crashed every 30 minutes and 4.4.1 crashes every time I open my orchestral piece. It's literally impossible to open it anymore. So for now I'll just stick to the latest 4.3.

Love musescore and that the regular updates keep coming. However, finding adding pedal marks for piano worse since the update. Often you want to mark a legato change on the first note of a bar repeatedly. Previously you would select all the notes it would apply to, including the note the next change would be on, and the mark would end correctly on the last note - now it goes past and seems connected to a note beyond. Tried selecting a note short which doesn't work either. Seems only possible to manually edit each marking - you can't select more than one even to edit heights. So time consuming and messy now, will try rolling back versions for now... see demo:

Is there anything foreseen in 4.4.2 to provide some retro-compatibility for the pre-4.4 plugins ?
MU has just fired itself in the foot... At least for all the composers whom workflows are broken because the plugin they use don't work any more...

In reply to by parkingb

I don't have any statistics to base this on, but it seems that most plugins that are broken, are broken because they used QtQuick.Controls 1. This module has been deprecated by Qt years ago; even with Qt 5.15, its use was already discouraged for years. And now, with Qt 6, they finally decided to remove it completely. We cannot do anything about that.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Is there a reason why Qt.labs.folderlistmodel was removed (at least in the Linux appimage)?
~/documents/MuseScore4/squashfs-root/qml/Qt/labs$ ls
folderlistmodel platform settings

~/documents/MuseScore4/squashfs-root/qml/Qt/labs$ ls

Settings were ported to the plugin module. But what about folderlistmodel?
Plugins using this are difficult to fix

since the previous update, musesounds guitar sound font just doesn't show up in the musescore interface even though i've downloaded it, and i've also noticed that the feature where noteheads in guitar scoring that are changed to crosses playback as muted has been removed and i'm trying to figure out why that is..

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