Copiar i enganxar

Updated 14 years ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Copiar i enganxar.

MuseScore can copy individual notes or large selections of music. The 0.9.4 release includes many improvements to copy-paste including support for shift-drag selections. Copy-paste in versions 0.9.3 or earlier is limited to full measures and difficult to use (see below for instructions).


  1. Click on the first note of your selection
  2. Shift+click on the last note of your selection. A blue rectangle should highlight the region you selected.
  3. From the menu choose EditCopy


  1. Click on the note or measure that you want your pasted selection to begin
  2. From the menu choose EditPaste

Instructions for 0.9.3 or earlier


  1. Click on an empty part of a measure to select the entire measure (a blue rectangle highlights the selection)
  2. If you want to extend the selection then Shift+click on the empty part of another measure
  3. From the menu choose EditCopy


  1. Click on the empty part of the measure you want to paste into
  2. From the menu choose EditPaste