Notació de percussió

Updated 3 months ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Notació de percussió.

    Example drum notation:
    Sample Drum Notation

    Notation for drumsets often include upstem and downstem notes happening simultaneously. If are unfamiliar with editing multiple voices in a single staff then see voices for an overview. See below for instructions specific to percussion notation.

    MIDI keyboard

    The easiest way to add drum notation to your score is via MIDI keyboard. Most MIDI keyboard have percussion markings above each key. If you press the key for high hat then MuseScore will add the correct notation to the score. MuseScore automatically takes care of the stem direction and type of note head.


    Note input via mouse is available in version 0.9.4 or later

    1. Select a note or rest in the percussion staff. This loads the corresponding drum palette
    2. Press "N" to begin note entry
    3. Select a note duration from the Note Input toolbar
    4. Select a the type of note (such as bass drum or snare) from the drum palette
    5. Click on the percussion staff to add the note to the score
    Attachment Size
    drum1.png 7.65 KB