Přídavné moduly

Aktualizováno před před 10 měsíci
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Přídavné moduly.

    What are Plugins?

    Plugins are small pieces of software that add a particular feature to MuseScore. By enabling a plugin, a new menu option is appended to the Plugins menu: subsequently, when this option is selected, the plugin performs a particular task in the score.

    Some plugins come pre-installed with MuseScore—see Plugins installed by default (below). You can find many more plugins in the plugin repository: some work with MuseScore 3, others only with older versions of MuseScore, and some work with either. To tell one from the other: MuseScore 3.x and 2.x plugin code files have an extension of .qml; for older versions, it is .js.

    Warning: Plugins can potentially contain bad or malicious code, which can compromise or damage your scores or system. Plugins are entirely unvetted (except for those that are installed by default). You either need to trust the author or check the code yourself.


    Note: Some plugins may require the installation of other components (fonts, e.g.) to work. Check the plugin's documentation for more information.

    Most plugins are provided as ZIP archives: download the plugin's .zip file and uncompress (unzip) it to one of the directories mentioned below (depending on your OS). If the plugin is provided directly as an uncompressed .qml file, simply download it and place into one of the same directories.

    Once a plugin is installed, it needs to be enabled in the Plugin Manager in order to use it—see Enable/disable Plugins.


    MuseScore looks for pre-installed plugins in %ProgramFiles%\MuseScore 3\Plugins (or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\MuseScore 3\Plugins for the 32-bit versions) and in %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore\MuseScore 3\plugins on Windows 7 and later.

    New plugins should not be installed in the above folders, and neither should the folders be modified. Instead add new plugins to %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MuseScore3\Plugins; alternatively, specify a different folder to look for plugins in MuseScore's Preferences.


    On macOS, MuseScore looks for pre-installed plugins in the MuseScore bundle in /Applications/MuseScore 3.app/Contents/Resources/plugins (to reveal files in the app bundle, right click on MuseScore 3.app and choose "Show package contents"), and in ~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore 3/plugins.

    New plugins should not be installed in the above folders, and neither should the folders be modified. Instead add new plugins to ~/Documents/MuseScore3/Plugins; alternatively, specify a different folder to look for plugins in MuseScore's Preferences.


    In Linux, MuseScore looks for pre-installed plugins in /usr/share/mscore-3.0/plugins and in ~/.local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore 2/plugins.

    New plugins should not be installed in the above folders, and neither should the folders be modified. Instead add new plugins to ~/Documents/MuseScore3/Plugins; alternatively, specify a different folder to look for plugins in MuseScore's Preferences.

    Enable/disable plugins

    To be able to access the installed plugins from the Plugins menu, they need to be enabled in the Plugin Manager:

    Plugin manager

    You do this simply by checking the appropriate tick box. This adds the name of the plugin to the list in the Plugins menu.

    Create/edit/run plugins

    It is possible to create new or edit existing plugins and run them via the Plugin Creator:

    Plugin creator

    Documentation of all available elements can also be found here.

    Plugins installed by default

    Some plugins come pre-installed with MuseScore, but they are not enabled by default. See Enable/disable plugins (above) to enable plugins.

    ABC Import

    This plugin imports ABC text from a file or the clipboard and converts it to MusicXML. Internet connection is required, because it uses an external web-service for the conversion.

    Notes → Color Notes

    This demo plugin colors notes in the selected range (or the entire score), depending on their pitch. It colors the note head of all notes in all staves and voices according to the Boomwhackers convention. Each pitch has a different color. C and C♯ have a different color. C♯ and D♭ have the same color.
    To color all the notes in black, just run that plugin again (on the same selection). You could also use the 'Remove Notes Color' plugin for this.

    Create Score

    This demo plugin creates a new score. It creates a new piano score with 4 quarter notes: C, D, E, F. It's a good start to learn how to make a new score and add notes from a plugin.


    This demo plugin demonstrates some basic tasks.

    Notes → Note Names

    This plugin names notes in a selected range or for the entire score. It displays the names of the notes (as staff text) according to MuseScore's language settings: voices 1 and 3 notes above the staff; voices 2 and 4 notes below the staff; and chord notes in a comma separated list, starting with the top note.


    This demo plugin creates a GUI panel.


    Creates a random score.


    This demo plugin runs an external command. Probably this will only work on Linux.


    This test plugin iterates through the score list.


    Demo plugin to demonstrate the use of a ScoreView


    This test plugin walks through all elements in a score

    See also

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