Typy notových hlaviček

Aktualizováno před před 11 měsíci
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Typy notových hlaviček.

You can choose choose any one of nine notehead schemes for a standard staff. To set a notehead scheme:

  • Right-click on a staff and select Staff/Part Properties…; click on Advanced Style Properties… and choose from the "Notehead scheme" dropdown list.

The schemes are as follows:

  • Normal: This is the default scheme and the one the vast majority of people will use: it is also the only scheme in MuseScore 1 and 2. It uses normal noteheads which can be changed via the Noteheads palette or the Inspector.
  • Pitch name: Noteheads automatically and dynamically change to include the English pitch name in the notehead.
    Pitch names
  • German pitch name: Just like the previous one but B will be replaced by H, and Bb by B.
    German pitch names
  • Solfège Movable Do (also called Tonic Solfa): Noteheads include the solfege syllable, depending on the degree in the scale. It uses Ti and not Si.
    Movable Solfa
  • Solfège Fixed Do: Noteheads include the solfege syllable for the note name. As used in France, Italy, Spain, etc... It uses Si and not Ti.
    Fixed Solfa
  • 4 Shape (Walker): Noteheads follow the four-shape system used in books such as William Walker’s Southern Harmony (1835).
    4 Shape (Walker)
  • 7 Shape (Aikin): Noteheads follow the seven-shape system used in books such as Jesse B. Aikin’s The Christian Minstrel (1846), and books by the Ruebush & Kieffer Publishing Company. It's the most used 7-shape system.
    7 Shape (Aikin)
  • 7 Shape (Funk): Noteheads follow the seven-shape system used in books such as Joseph Funk’s Harmonia Sacra (1851).
    7 Shape (Funk)
  • 7 Shape Walker: Noteheads follow the seven-shape system used in books such as William Walker’s Christian Harmony (1867).
    7 Shape Walker

(For more info about the different variant of shape notes, see the SMuFL specification)

The setting applies to a given staff and the notehead will be used when entering and editing notes. Here is an example.

Note names

Stále ještě máte nějaké nezodpovězené otázky? Nejprve se, prosím, přihlašte, abyste mohl položit svoji otázku.