
Aktualizováno před před jedním rokem

    This chapter discusses articulation symbols available in the Articulations palette (accents, staccato, vibrato markings etc).

    To add verbal articulation objects available in the Text palette (legato, pizz. , arco, tremolo etc) to a score, see Entering and editing text chapter. Guitar articulation is covered in chapters under Idiomatic notation: Guitar. Brass or woodwind articulation (Fall, Doit, Plop, Scoop) is covered in Arpeggios and glissandi.

    Adding articulations to a score

    Keyboard shortcuts

    To add an articulation with a keyboard shortcut:

    1. Select one or more notes;
    2. Apply the relevant shortcut from the list below:
      • Marcato: Shift+O
      • Accent: Shift+V
      • Tenuto: Shift+N
      • Staccato: Shift+S


    Articulations toolbar
    Certain articulations (accent, marcato, staccato, and tenuto) can be added from the note input toolbar (above the document pane).

    1. Select one or more notes;
    2. Click on the desired icon in the articulations toolbar area.

    Articulations palette

    Articulations palette
    To add an item to a score:

    1. Select one or more notes;
    2. Click on the desired articulation in the Articulations palette;

    Alternatively, drag and drop an articulation symbol from the palette to a notehead.

    Articulations playback

    Certain articulations affect note playback—such as staccato, staccatissimo, louré (tenuto + staccato), and accents. This is handled automatically by the program.

    Articulation properties

    Editable properties of selected articulation(s) on the score are shown in the Properties Panel.

    Articulation placement

    • Placement: This alters the position of the symbol above or below the note.

    Articulation style

    See the main chapter Templates and styles

    • Values of the "Style for Articulations & Ornaments" can be edited in Format → Style → Articulations & Ornaments.

    Align with stem

    Shown below are the result of some options on the score.

    Alignment options

    • Align with stem
      Align with stem

    • Align with notehead
      Align with notehead

    • Center between stem and notehead
      Center between stem and notehead

    Combined articulation options

    • Always keep together
      Always keep together

    • Prefer closeness to notehead (combined articulations may become separated)
      Prefer closeness to notehead