Linux VST3
While reading the handbook chapter on the Mixer, one might get the impression that all of this works on every supported OS.
But it does not (and probably never will)
I have a 4.1 beta for Linux compiled with VST re-enabled.
=> deleted. see below
Most Linux VST's do not show a gui, but some do work: e.g. 3Vstudio Orchestools and Decentsampler (amongst others)
Also work: (almost all) Windows VST3 with yabridge (provided they can be made working with wine in the first place), e.g. Spitfire BBC discover/core, Spitfire Labs, Miroslav Philharmonic 2, Sampletank, Kontakt, ...
The Linux version of Kushview elements rack-plugin vst3 also works. This one can load Linux VST2, VST3 and LV2 plugins. It's working reasonably well (for the most part).
Thanks for the info. Might there be a centralized list of Linux VST's - categorized by work/maybe work/don't work?
In reply to Thanks for the info. Might… by Are Jayem
As said, most Linux VST's installed on my system do not work, which is normal since Linux VST support isn't implemented. (on my system, for instruments only Orchestools and Decentsampler - and also the Kushview elements, which can load most linux VST2/3 and LV2 - but there also are problems with this)
See for Linux audio plugins or/and you can try if you want.
Windows VST3 under wine with yabridge seem to be working fine (but i normally don't use those, exception made for some orchestral libraries)
This is completely experimental of course.
See also this issue on the MuseScore repo.
In reply to See also this issue on the… by bb94
Yep, it's a "community project"
Not only for VST3, but also LV2 and Clap.
For the desperate Linux users, a Linux VST3 enabled appimage 4.1.0 can be downloaded here:
deleted- see below
(not official, provided "as is", only minimal tested: use at your own risk)
After starting it once - vst's will be scanned - have a look at
All plugins should have
"hasNativeEditorSupport": true,
or they will not work.
On my system, every plugin had initially this parameter set to "false", since v4.1. (it was more or less ok before a couple of weeks.)
I would suggest to test the vst's, and if they don't show a gui, just edit same file and set the vst to
"enabled": false,
so it does not show up anymore in the list.
As said, lots of native Linux VST3 do work - e.g. 3Vstudio Orchestools, Apisonic Speedrum, Aeolus, Decentsampler, DiscoDSP Highlife sampler - and a lot of fx. Some do not however.
Most Windows VST3 (wine + yabridge) work flawlessly.
And there is always Kushview elements - works reasonably well, and can load Linux VST2, VST3, lv2 and even ladspa.
In reply to For the desperate Linux… by graffesmusic
New build here:
see below
known_audio_plugins.json now has always "hasNativeEditorSupport": true,
List of Native Linux VST3's (probably all build with Juce) tested and working - WITH GUI:
Orchestools from
Speedrum (Lite, Beat(from Beat magazine)) and Transperc from
Aeolus (pipe organ synth) from
Decentsampler from
HY-plugins (the free Linux versions) from
Kushview Element from
Tracktion MOC Waverazor
Bitklavier . Linux vst3 version here:…
Everything from Socalabs (except piano: crashes MS)
Odin-2 synth from
Tracktion Retromod LoFreq Classic from
DiscoDSP Highlife from
Panagement 2 from
Filterjam from
Free ASAP plugins from ircam
Firecomp2 (free for Linux) from
Librewave Sordina from
Tonelib Noice Reducer from
Venomode Maximal 3 CM (I have the Computer Music Magazine version) from
Everything from While Elephant Audio
Fire by Wings Music
Chowmultitool from
Everything by SuperflyDsp
Windows VST3's that can be made working with Wine + yabridge, all work fine. (e.g. Ik Multimedia plugins - Miroslav, Spitfire Audio plugins - BBCSO, Labs, Kontakt, and so on...)
When loading Kushview Elements, all Linux VST2, VST3, LV2 and ladspa audio plugins, and Windows VST2/3 can be used.
And then there is also Audiogridder
AudioGridder is a plugin host that allows for offloading the DSP processing of audio plugins to remote computers running macOS or Windows. The DSP code of the loaded plugins will be executed on the server machine and the plugin UIs will be streamed over the wire.
Tested with remote Windows computer and Linux VST3 in MS. It works!
Can probably be very useful with big scores on small computers.
Also with Windows VST's that can't work with wine (e.g. because of ilok)
In reply to For the desperate Linux… by graffesmusic
Should anyone be interested, new AppImage 4.1.1 with vst enabled here:
Other native Linux vst3 tested and found OK:
CqtAnalyzer from
All recent free from (Tal-filter2, Tal-Chorus, Tal-Reverb-4, Tal-Noisemaker)
TurboPaco and MixMaxtrix from Artv
All from
BlindfoldEq from
Room reverb from
SmartAmp from
Eqoder from Jade Hochschule
PeakEater from T-audio
Plastiq Funeral and VU from unplugred
Declicker from (you must compile it yourself for Linux, but it goes without any problems)
Dexed (DX7 modeled synth) from Digital Suburban - (the binary release for Linux does not show a Gui on my system, but a local build from latest github source works fine)
And then there is also
YSFX from Jean Pierre Cimalando
Allows you to use any jsfx plugin (Reaper), or script one yourself .
Tested with local build.
Binaries are available at Joep Vanlier’s fork (not tested)
In reply to Should anyone be interested,… by graffesmusic
Thanks for the VST-enabled AppImage, it helps a lot! I do wonder though: why is it not PR-ed to the official MuseScore repo (with reference to the "community project" issue)?
In reply to Thanks for the VST-enabled… by tth_heng
Because most native Linux VST's will not work.
One cannot officially release a piece of software, saying: most of the time this will not work, but if you are lucky, it could work after all.
see also
In reply to Should anyone be interested,… by graffesmusic
Thanks for being on this! Frankly, the only VST's I personally would care about would be the Muse Effects plugins, and I suspect there would be others who feel the same way. These have GUI's, but extremely simple ones. To me, if this can be made to work with just those, it's absolutely worth a PR. If there are many other VST's (especially instruments) that don't work, it might make sense to only do this for Muse Effects say that's all that is supported, and it would still be a huge win.
Of course, the Muse Hub team would have to make the Muse Effects available for testing on Linux in order to know if this is feasible or not.
In reply to Thanks for being on this! … by Marc Sabatella
Hi Marc
AFAICS, only native Linux vst's made with Juce do work.
If the Muse plugins are made with Juce and developers are willing to compile Linux versions, then it should hopefully be easy to do.
For other frameworks the vst host must handle this (so MuseScore)
Meanwhile, e.g. vst3 plugins do work, and offer some simple basic 'classical' audio plugins; compressor, delay, ...
In reply to Should anyone be interested,… by graffesmusic
Anyone tried Pianoteq? I'd love to be using that with musescore.
In reply to Anyone tried Pianoteq? I'd… by revdjohngoodman
The Linux versions of Pianoteq are lv2 and vst2. No vst3. So not usable directly in MS. (does kind of work with Kushview elements - but you loose the first note)
I asked for a vst3 version via the forum, but no response.
The good news: the windows vst3 works just fine (wine+yabridge)
(you can download a trial version)
Linux VST enabled build 4.2.0 here:
I'm a very beginner to vst. So i downloaded a linux version of ms that supports vst and downloaded the vst itself (Aeolus). Where do i have to put it that MuseScore recognizes it?
Thx in advance, Pentatonus
In reply to I'm a very beginner to vst… by [DELETED] 1307581
I always use $HOME/.vst3/ ( so $HOME/.vst3/Aeolus.vst3 )
but you can use another location, see…
or even specify a custom location in MS via Edit>Preferences>Folders
After restart, the plugin should be available in the mixer. Good luck.
In reply to I always use $HOME/.vst3/… by graffesmusic
Thank you for your advice. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me :-(
The link does not work.
In reply to Thank you for your advice… by [DELETED] 1307581
which link?
I assume
-the Appimage starts
-you downloaded the Linux version of Aeolus from
( , and extracted the vst3 ~/.vst3 so you end up with
~/.vst3/Aeolus.vst3/Contents/x86_64-linux/ (note the hidden directory .vst3 )
Can you check
These should be en entry in it for the Aeolus vst3 plugin.
In reply to which link? by graffesmusic
> which link?
Your steinbergmedia link. I can see the content table but if i click an entry there is only a error message
>I assume
>-the Appimage starts
>-you downloaded the Linux version of Aeolus from
>( ,
and extracted the vst3 ~/.vst3 so you end up with
>~/.vst3/Aeolus.vst3/Contents/x86_64-linux/ (note the hidden directory .vst3 )
No hidden .vst3 directory in my home folder
I have the .so file here:
>Can you check
>These should be en entry in it for the Aeolus vst3 plugin.
In reply to > which link? Your… by [DELETED] 1307581
So is /home/linuxmint/Musik/MuseScore4.2/VST/ defined in the MS via n MS via Edit>Preferences>Folders ?
Why not using an official vst3 location?
As said, i always use I always use $HOME/.vst3/ , which works perfectly and does not need root privileges.
The entry in your known_audio_plugins.json does not seem complete. Some lines are missing. I have:
"enabled": true,
"meta": {
"attributes": {
"categories": "Instrument|Synth"
"hasNativeEditorSupport": true,
"id": "Aeolus",
"type": "VstPlugin",
"vendor": "Arthur Benilov"
"path": "\/home\/xxx\/.vst3\/Aeolus.vst3""
I deleted everything, and started again. Same entry. I don't know why yours is incomplete. I think you will not see the plugin if
"attributes": {
"categories": "Instrument|Synth"
is not there
By the way, sfizz does not work. You should be able to see it and select it, but it will not show a gui. (at least not on my system) This is the reason vst3 support is disable din the official Linux image. See above.
In reply to So is /home/linuxmint/Musik… by graffesmusic
Thanks again for your great help. So i created a .vst3 folder and put the extracted Aeolus.vst3 in. I also changed the known_audio_plugins.json to that you have just posted.
Now i see a entry for Aeolus in the mixer menu (there are two entrys). But when i click one, only an empty window appears (like for sfizz)?
In reply to Thanks again for your great… by [DELETED] 1307581
There should only be one entry in the json file. You can disable one of the two by changing "enabled" to false.
If you have multiple copies on the plugin in multiple directories, then every instance will have a new entry in the file and will show multiple times in MS. One should only have one location with the same plugin IMHO.
The path /home/xxx/.vst3 should reflect your home directory, obviously. So probably not xxx .
It happens to me sometimes that a Gui works only after a restart. After that, it always work, at least for the plugins listed above.
I have tested this only on Ubuntu 22.04TLS, with Xorg.
Perhaps you could try with some other plugin (from above) if this one does not show a Gui.
4.2.1 version here:
In reply to 4.2.1 version here: https:/… by graffesmusic
VST3 enabled Linux version 4.3.0 here:
In reply to VST enabled Linux version 4… by graffesmusic
Thanks a lot!!!!
Great to have someone, who takes care about LINUX users!!!.... and keeps Musescore up-to-date to use
external VST- Plugins!!!
Greetings from sunny Hungary
In reply to VST enabled Linux version 4… by graffesmusic
VST3 enabled Linux version 4.3.1 here:
In reply to VST3 enabled Linux version 4… by graffesmusic
VST3 enabled Linux build 4.3.2:
In reply to VST3 enabled Linux build 4.3… by graffesmusic
THX again!!
That was real fast!!
In reply to VST3 enabled Linux version 4… by graffesmusic
Hey this is great! Are you working to have this merged upstream?
In reply to Hey this is great! Are you… by reddiesel41264
As explained above:
"One cannot officially release a piece of software, saying: most of the time this will not work, but if you are lucky, it could work after all."
If the issue with the linux IRunLoop, needed to make all Linux vst3 work, isn't solved, this cannot be merged.
This is being examined on how to solve it .
VST3 enabled Linux build 4.4.0:
In reply to VST3 enabled Linux build 4.4… by graffesmusic
Will there be an update to 4.4.1-lxvst Appimage in the future or does 4.4.1 from MuseScore org work fine now with VST3 on Linux?
No hurry!
I still use 4.3.2 lxvst and it still works fine!
THX for your work!!
In reply to Will there be an update to 4… by dtrrase
However, this is a complete waste of time. There is absolutely no reason at all why a Linux user would want to use a VST. There are no Linux VST's worth having. Wine is useless. Should you want to use something other than 'real instruments' (!), then the way to go is to use a DAW. If you want to use VST's, use Windows! In the unlikely event you need something that is not in the (free) Muse Sounds, use soundfonts.
So i have been told by a herd of Linux VST experts.
The same shit discussions as with jack.
For myself, I will use this build anyway. I have done more stupid things in my lifetime.
In reply to Hi, Sorry. https://github… by graffesmusic
Thank you anyway!!
What I realised (when I started with MuseScore 4): not even the WIN VST3 showed up in the MS Mixer Section! But after trying your lxvst, it worked!!
I am not under the hood of Linux, so maybe another reason stopped MS from loading the WIN VST3!??
Will try again with standard MS-S 4.4.1 installation within the next days!
But meanwhile I will use your compilation!!
greetings from Hungary
In reply to Hi; Thank you anyway!! What… by dtrrase
Do as i do: use whatever works for you. (i invested €37,49 in Dorico Elements, only to find out what i am missing)
In reply to Hi; Thank you anyway!! What… by dtrrase
Just to inform you!!
I installed the latest standard 4.4.2 version from because they said that they solved a lot of the bugs (crashes etc.) from earlier 4.4 versions but again:
None of my WIN VST3 show up in the MS Mixer Section!
So your your lxvst versions are really valuable for me on my LINUX AVL-MX
Without it I will lose a lot of SOUND!
Thank you and
In reply to Hi, Sorry. https://github… by graffesmusic
No one in the entire history of humanity has ever said that. You don’t help the case for eventually seeing VST (or JACK) support implemented by posting such antagonistic flame bait.
In reply to No one in the entire history… by Marc Sabatella
I don’t think anything will get VST or JACK support implemented into MS4 at this point.
In reply to I don’t think anything will… by bb94
You clearly haven’t been following the development discussions, then. JACK support has a pending PR that is slated for review potentially for 4.5, and one of the developers has taken the time to outline exactly what needs to be done to get VST working - looks to be quite simple, just waiting for a Linux-knowledgeable developer to volunteer to do it.
In reply to You clearly haven’t been… by Marc Sabatella
Nice, is that the JACK transport support or is it for JACK MIDI, or something else?
In reply to Nice, is that the JACK… by reddiesel41264
In reply to See… by Marc Sabatella
Nice! I’d assumed that the effort fizzled off at some time.
In reply to See… by Marc Sabatella
Hmm I don't see this as being that useful since it doesn't include assigning an output or channel per instrument.
In reply to Hi, Sorry. https://github… by graffesmusic
Thanks a lot and don't worry : that's not a waste of time !
Why ? Because as a user, I can play a synthesizer sound. Yes ! Directly without launching Jack, then a DAW, then exporting/importing the sheet, then adjusting the Midi tracks one-another...
Comparatively, your Musescore build is so convenient to use !
BTW my synthesizer VST3 is OB-Xd and I'm using KDE on Arch Linux.
4.4.2-lxvst :
In reply to 4.4.2-lxvst : https://github… by graffesmusic
I’m truly thankful for your support!
Can you suggest any VST non-tonal percussion, where there are brushes? I need to depict a certain sound Crash, or Ride!
I have Linux OS, - Kubuntu!
In reply to Hello! Can you suggest any… by AV-BelCanto
Check out drum gizmo -
In reply to Check out drum gizmo - https… by reddiesel41264
Does this work in Linux with Musescore?
It says that to install it you need to type "apt install drumgizmo" in the terminal.
I do this, but nothing happens!
In reply to Does this work in Linux with… by AV-BelCanto
I can't say because I haven't tried using VST3 plugins with Musescore.
I can see that the package is available in Ubuntu's repo -…
I assume this is what Kubuntu pulls from too. Perhaps it's not available for your version, but you can try downloading the package directly, it's also available in the Debian repo.
In reply to I can't say because I haven… by reddiesel41264
There is a simple way to know: try it.
Know that ONLY native Linux vst's made with with JUCE will work (because this is the only framework that provides a workaround for the missing runloop in the linux build)
(so drumgizmo will probably not work!)
But there are a number of other drum samplers that will work.
You will have to search for suitable sounds yourself.
(Or you can use a Windows VST that will run on wine+yabridge. Again: try. Do not assume that someone will help if it does not work)
In reply to There is a simple way to… by graffesmusic
You can also use a sf2. That will always work.
In reply to There is a simple way to… by graffesmusic
Perhaps this one from pianobook is usable?
Decentsampler works fine in the lxvst build.
(about drumzigmo: i think there isn't a Linux vst3 , but only a lv2 - witch will (never) not work.)
Decentsampler is my favorite sampler (on Linux) nowadays, because:
-no native Linux sfz player works in this build . (No Juce made player exists -anymore.) The only way if have found to use sfz instruments, is to use sforzando with wine. While it works just fine, it was a bit of struggle to install it, and the possibility always exists that it does not work anymore after an upgrade..
-there are lots of (free) decentsampler instruments on pianobook, and elsewhere
-it's easy to convert a bunch of sampler formats with convertwithmoss. . After conversion, there is of course some tweaking and modification needed. No sweat, no glory. It can even convert (non encrypted) Kontakt libraries. (decentsampler can also import directly sfz)
-Windows VST's cannot be trusted to be future proof. E.g. Spitfire Labs worked just fine until the latest upgrade, but now it cannot be used anymore with wine. Newer Kontakt (players) (v7 and 8) cannot be made working with wine anymore. (latest working version 6.7)
-Commercial decentsampler instruments are starting to be available, see e.g. on or Soundiron: new releases include a DS version . More to come.
-it is easy to create your own instruments.
Sadly, Decent Sampler is not open source. It neither always saves the instrument correctly.
In reply to Perhaps this one from… by graffesmusic
Yes, how difficult it is to live a poor musician!)
Especially if he sits on Linux!
In reply to Perhaps this one from… by graffesmusic
And here I can’t attach an audio file? - Only through the file organizer to show the sound that I am looking for?
In reply to And here I can’t attach an… by AV-BelCanto
You can post a MuseScore score file (.MSCZ) or a ZIP file (for example, one containing an audio file)
In reply to 4.4.3-lxvst https://github… by graffesmusic
I didn't see: how is this different from the official latest version MuseScore-Studio-
Or will this be noticeable when MuseScore-Studio interacts with VST?
Who made this version 4.4.3-lxvst?
By the way, I couldn’t find an explanation on the Internet: what is lxvst?
Actually, I'm looking for this sound - I think it was brushed over Crash, or Ride! Maybe someone knows where I can find this sound so I can use it on Linux!
In reply to I didn't see: how this… by AV-BelCanto
You can check the changes in github.
It is different in that it has the vst code reenabled, which was disable in the official release.
see , context links.
I do the few changes every time there is a release. This is an unofficial build, for my own use and shared for anybody interested. Use it or not, it's up to you. There is no support whatsoever for this.
lxvst is my own abreviation for 'linux vst'. (Lx stands for Linux, like Ux stands for Unix).
I cannot help with your quest for sounds.
Or will this be noticeable when MuseScore-Studio interacts with VST?
Yes, when you install a linux vst, a new 'VST' choice will show
In reply to You can check the changes in… by graffesmusic
You are a big well done!
But why is the VST-code disabled in the official version?
"Yes, when you install a linux vst, a new 'VST' choice will show" - Is it impossible to connect VST in the official version for Linux?
In reply to You are a big well done! But… by AV-BelCanto
But why is the VST-code disabled in the official version?
Because most native Linux VST's will not work.
One cannot officially release a piece of software, saying: most of the time this will not work, but if you are lucky, it could work after all.
see also
(i repeat myself)
Is it impossible to connect VST in the official version for Linux?
Yes. As stated in the handbook: "Note that Linux is not yet supported"
In reply to But why is the VST-code… by graffesmusic
Have you tried this plugin?
Description here:…
If you install it in Wine, then how to do it?
How will MuseScore find it in Wine, if these are different systems?
In reply to Have you tried this plugin?… by AV-BelCanto
Nope, i did not test that one. I don't randomly install Windows stuff i don't need from unknown (closed) sources.
I don't really use a drumkit very often, but there are several native Linux options that work just fine.
(vst's tested: open source: ; commercial: Speedrum Lite )
There are also several drumkits available for Decentsampler, both free and commercial.
If you really want to use wine, this can be very tricky to setup (but often is simple).
You need wine (the version from your distro should do - in general) and you need yabridge (this is how MS will find the Windows vst3): (there are other solutions, but this is the one i use). You will need to do some research to feel comfortable with wine+yabridge and be ready for some disappointments. Don't assume someone will help you in case things do not work.
In case you do want wine, i personally rather would use IK Multimedia Modo drum CS (free with studio kit - works fine but is a bit tricky to install. Ik Multimedia products in general run fine with wine) or Powerdrumkit (not tested. but they do support wine)
In the new updated Muse Sounds, which are only available for Win/Mac for the moment, there is a drumkit available. I have read that an updated Linux version should be released soon (perhaps in beta this week). This is without any doubt the best, future proof option.
In reply to Nope, i did not test that… by graffesmusic
I have drums in the Muse Sounds, but in them I did not find brushes to make the sound shown above!
Do you think the developers will do it, this week?)
In reply to I have a shock installation… by AV-BelCanto
That's what was said on discord.
I don't know if Muse Sounds has brushes.
In reply to I have a shock installation… by AV-BelCanto
That's what was said on discord.
I don't know if Muse Sounds has brushes.
I think that someone confirmed that MonsterDrum works fine with wine (but i don't find it anymore)
In reply to Have you tried this plugin?… by AV-BelCanto
Hi AV-BelCanto.
I am not under the hood of LINUX, !!!!
Wine and Yabridge were pre installed on my Linux-Distro (AVMX 23).
So when I download an exe-File I just double click it an LINUX asks me, if the installer-EXE should be opened with wine. Wine creates new folders (if needed) and separates the files into the appropriate
Wine will
thereafter I open it with yarbridge and the dll-files will be converted to .so files to be used in LINUX.
Does not work all the time, but offten!
Just try!!
cheers and good luck
As far as I know there are no brushes available in MonsterDrums!!?? But just try and delete, if you do not need it!
Linux VST enabled build 4.4.4 here:
4.5.0-lxvst over here:
i hope this will be the last lxvst build.
In reply to 4.5.0-lxvst over here: https… by graffesmusic
Love your work!!!!
Would like to donate!
Meanwhile a BIG THANK YOU BUDDY!!!!
Will check it out tomorrow!!
greetings from Hungary