Følg instruktionerne til dit operativsystem herunder, for at hente MuseScore Studio gratis (der kræves ingen konto eller abonnement).,
[This section needs completing]
En applikation med navnet MuseHub vil blive installeret i din standard direcory (normalt folderen Overførsler). Denne applikation vil gøre det nemt at installere MuseScore Studio, tillige med en række lyd-biblioteker og lydeffekt plugins, som kan være med til i høj grad, at udvide din oplevelse med nodeskrivning.
To install and open MuseHub:
During this process, you may need to grant MuseHub various permissions and access to folders. These permissions are required to ensure MuseHub installs correctly.
Now that you have MuseHub open in front of you, it's time to install MuseScore Studio:
Now get writing some music!
Also see Troubleshooting
The easiest way to install the program is by using an AppImage:
Steps 7 and 8 ensure that a MuseScore entry appears in the system’s menu and is linked to the new location of the AppImage (/home/[user name]/.local/bin). The correct file associations are also automatically made.
Note: Instead of steps 7 and 8 (above) you can, of course, install using the absolute file path instead. That is:
Tip: if you apply copy to the AppImage and press Ctrl+Shift+V in the terminal this will enter the absolute file path of the file that has just been “copied”.
No formal uninstall procedure is needed to remove the installed AppImage. Just delete menu entries and any shortcuts manually, then delete the App itself, and its links (which will be in ~/.local/bin).