Menu bjælken i MuseScore 4 indeholder diisse menuer:
Brugere med tastatur på Windows og Linux kan tilgå menuerne ved at holde Alt tasten nede, og trykke en bestemt bogstav- eller taltast, kendt som mnemonisk adgangs tast. Denne vises med en understregning i navnet på det ønskede menu element.
I macOS, er MuseScore's menuer en del af den samlede system menu, som man kan navigere til ved at trykke Ctrl+F2.
Under hovedmenuen er der tre faner, hvor den første er fanen Hjem. Denne fane indeholder følgende sektioner:
Opret en ny MuseScore konto, eller Log ind på din eksisterende konto. Med en aktiv konto kan du få teknisk hjælp, og rapportere fejl i forummet på Du kan også gemme dine nodeark i skyen på
Denne sektion giver dig mulighed for at oprette et nyt nodeark, eller åbne et eksisterende. Kæe mere om oprettelse af nodeark i Opsætning af nodearket.
Vinduet vis en oversigt over de tilgængelige programudvidelser. Læs kapitlet Programudvidelser for at lære, hvordan du administrerer disse nyttige tilføjelser.
(Beskrivelse mangler)
Her er stedet hvor du finder undervisningsvideoer.Npr der klikkes på en lektion bliver den åbnet på den officielle MuseScore YouTube kanal.
Her er området, hvor du laver det meste af dit arbejde i MuseScore, inklusive nodeskrivning og afspilning af dit Arbejdsområdet består af flere delområder (nummereret som etiketterne i diagrammet herunder).:
Keyboard users can use the Tab key or F6 to navigate between these UI regions via the keyboard. Within each region, navigation is performed with the arrow keys and Tab.
Almost all panels and toolbars can be un-docked and repositioned according to your project requirements and workflow preferences. Learn more about this in Workspaces.
This tab allows you to view your score without the clutter of the note input toolbar or sidebar panels. There are options to print the score, and to export it in a variety of image, audio and document formats. When your score is finished, you can also publish it to
In certain parts of the application, primarily in the Score tab, context menus are available with additional functionality, such as options to copy, edit, customise, delete, or view the properties of whatever item(s) were selected at the time you opened the menu.
Within the score, every element has a context menu. To open the context menu for a particular element, right-click on the element with the mouse, or select the element via the keyboard and press Shift+F10 (some PC keyboards also have a dedicated Menu key near to the right Ctrl key). The exact options available in the context menu can differ depending on the type of element you selected, so it is worth experimenting to find out what options are available for different kinds of elements. For example, when you right-click on an empty region within a measure the resulting context menu contains options for Staff/Part properties and Measure properties. This is currently the only way to get to those options and the dialogs they lead to.
Outside of the score, the presence of a context menu is often indicated by a small button with three dots, or by a settings cog. Press the button to open the menu. Sometimes the button is associated with another item in the vicinity, such as in the Palettes, where there is three-dots button for each palette. In this case you can right-click on the palette name, or select it with the keyboard and press the Shift+F10 or Menu key shortcut, as an alternative to using the three-dots button.