Halve time signature without changing individual notes while keeping the same number of measures.

• 19. Nov 2021 - 16:58

How to convert a 3/2 measure into a ¾ measure so that the number of measures is preserved and without changing individual notes. This means that a whole note becomes a half note - a half note becomes a quarter note etc. - and vice versa.
Is there any way or a shortcut in MuseScore to realize this?
Thanks in advance for your help !!!


Deutsche Forum, deutsche Antwort ;-)

2 Schritte:
1. Taktart ändern
2. Alles (Strg+A) kopieren (Strg+C) oder ausschneiden (Strg+X), Halbierte Dauer einfügen (Strg+Umschalt+Q)

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