Not to be confused with VST and VSTi.
A MuseScore plugin is a small piece of software that adds extra functionality to the program. A plugin need to be enabled first, and then executed by using the Plugins menu. Some plugins come pre-installed, they are disabled by default. There are also plugins created and shared by other musicians, anyone can download and use them.
Managing plugins
Installing a new plugin
- Search for available plugins at, for example:
- Make sure it is compatible with Musescore version.

- Download the file:
- for hosted .qml files, sometimes a web browser open it as plain text and refuses to download it as file. In that case, right click on a link and select Save link as...
- for unpackaged code, download the project as a zip file by clicking Code: Download ZIP

- for packaged release, click on an appropriate item under Assets

- (If it is a zip file) Extract it using an archive extraction software.
- Move the files to MuseScore's plugins folder, configurable at Preferences:General:Folders. The default directories are
- Windows: C:\Users\[Your User Name]\Documents\MuseScore4\Plugins\
- macOS: ~/Documents/MuseScore4/Plugins/
- Linux: ~/Documents/MuseScore4/Plugins

Updating an existing plugins
Updating works the same way as installing, but remember to remove the files from the previous version to avoid duplicate plugins!
Enabling and disabling plugins
- Click Home: Plugins or Plugins: Manage plugins...

- Select a plugin and click Enable or Disable

Running a plugin
- Make sure the Score tab is currently opened.
- Select Plugins → [The plugin name]

To assign a keyboard shortcut a plugin, use Home: Plugins or Plugins: Manage plugins....
Pre-installed plugins
[work in progress, please provide missing info, write brief info on each]
- Add Courtesy Accidentals
- Color Notes
- Lilypond Lyrics
- Mirror Intervals
- Modal Temperaments
- Modal Tuning
- New Retrograde
- Note Names
- Remove Courtesy Accidentals
- Tuning
Create a plugin
The plugin system of Musescore 4 is currently being redesigned and reimplemented.
As of October 2023, Musescore 4.1.1 plugin system is mostly a somewhat restricted version of the Musescore 3 plugin system. Visit Developers' Handbook Plugins for 3.x Chapter for fundamentals, and Plugins for 4.x Chapter for info on the new parameters and porting a Musescore 3 plugin to MuseScore 4.
See also