MuseScore Studio 4.5 is now available!

• Mar 14, 2025 - 11:03

We are delighted to announce the release of MuseScore Studio 4.5!

This version is packed with new features, including:

  • Speedy input of dynamics: new popup and shortcuts make it possible to enter and swap dynamics without ever moving away from the score
  • New percussion input panel: a fully accessible, modern 'drum pad' layout, with faster note input, and seamless integration with MuseSounds percussion libraries, including new libraries from Audio Imperia (Cerberus) and Audio Ollie (LA Modern Percussion) – both available now in MuseHub.
  • New features for ex-Finale composers: workflow updates that will feel familiar to Finale users, including a new 'input by duration' mode, the ability to move measures between systems, and copy+paste by dragging
  • New engraving features: large time signatures, l.v. ties, text masking through barlines, and automatic placement of partial ties, courtesy clefs, key signatures, and time signatures at repeats and jumps (something no other notation app does)

The update also brings a fresh logo and branding for MuseScore Studio.

Watch the release video

How to get the update

I’m new to MuseScore Studio 4

Head over to the Download page to see the available options:

  • Windows & macOS
    • For now, use the option to download MuseScore Studio without MuseHub.
    • You'll need to download MuseHub separately if you want to use MuseSounds.
  • Linux
    • The main download option will just give you MuseScore Studio. Ubuntu users please note that this update requires at least Ubuntu 22.04.
    • You’ll also need to download and install MuseSounds Manager if you want to use MuseSounds.

You can find additional builds on our GitHub Releases page, including a portable Windows EXE.

I already have MuseScore Studio (version 4 onwards)

Users on Windows and macOS will soon receive a notification about the update within MuseScore Studio or within MuseHub.

If you don't want to wait, you can install the new version manually without MuseHub (see above).

Linux users must update manually. Ubuntu users, please note that this update requires at least Ubuntu 22.04.

New features in this release

This update introduces major workflow improvements, a brand new percussion input panel, and significant new engraving features.


See Engraving improvements in MuseScore Studio 4.5. Highlights include:

  • Large time signatures
  • Laissez-vibrer (l.v.) ties
  • System locks (force measures to appear on a particular system, prevent reflow)
  • System markings: control which staves tempos and other markings appear on via the 'Layout' panel (formerly 'Instruments')
  • Automatic creation of partial ties and courtesy clefs, key, and time signatures at repeats and jumps
  • Options to extend slurs and lyric extension lines over repeats and jumps
  • Automatic masking around text and dynamics when they overlap barlines
  • More style options for multi-measure rests
  • All text items are now anchorable at any rhythmic position
  • Improved horizontal spacing and lyric spacing
  • Various fixes for local time signatures


  • All-new percussion panel with 8 columns of input pads (now fully accessible; replaces the old drumset panel)
  • Improved percussion note input: notes are now always entered at the cursor position, and can be input at any available stave position with the mouse
  • Ability to customize the layout of the percussion panel
  • Keyboard shortcuts and MIDI pitches are displayed on the percussion pads (keyboard shortcuts can also be assigned using any key)
  • New Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments (replaces the generic Percussion instrument and the Percussion Synthesizer) with full mapping for Muse Percussion (MuseSounds)
  • Minor changes to various percussion instruments


  • New 'input by duration' mode
  • General refinements to note input: improved discoverability, relocation of legacy modes, and a new option to set accidentals, augmentation dots, and articulations to apply to either the next or previous note entered
  • New rapid entry system for dynamic markings, including in-score popup, dedicated keyboard shortcut, type-to-enter dynamic markings, and option to draw hairpins from dynamic markings
  • Click and drag a range selection to move it to a different staff, measure, or beat; hold Alt/Option while dragging to copy the material
  • Copying and pasting multiple individual elements together is now more reliable and preserves the relative positions of the elements (and other improvements to copying and pasting)
  • Improved selection behaviour
  • Option to input MIDI as written or sounding pitch for transposing instruments
  • The playback speed control is now also available by clicking the tempo indicator in the playback toolbar (without needing to undock the playback toolbar)
  • New 'History' panel available in the 'View' menu


  • Improved "let ring" playback for guitar with MuseSounds
  • Support for l.v. ties for MS Basic, VST (limited) and MuseSounds (Muse Keys, and Muse Guitars Vols. 1 and 2, with other libraries coming soon)
  • Muse Percussion sounds for Mixed Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments
  • Numerous fixes for tied notes


  • SVG: page size is now measured in millimetres instead of pixels
  • MEI: support for voice assignment of dynamics, staff line color, harp pedal diagrams & MuseScore element IDs
  • MusicXML: various fixes and improvements


  • Style files for various sizes of Modified Stave Notation (MSN) are included with the program (courtesy of RNIB)
  • Convenient shortcut to built-in styles available via Format > Load styles on Windows and macOS


  • New app icon and splash screen
  • Fixed various crashes and corruptions

See our GitHub Project for more details.

...and there's a new handbook!

Our new handbook on GitBook contains details of how to use the new features in MuseScore Studio 4.5.

The new handbook is currently only available in English, but we will make it available in other languages soon. Links to old handbook pages will be gradually updated to point to the new handbook.

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