Counting the number of musical notes in a piece

• Nov 27, 2019 - 16:03

I know that it is not the most important thing in the world, but just as MS Word has a mechanism for counting the number of words and characters in a piece of text, I should like to be able to count the number of musical notes in pieces of music that I write. Whilst bars/measures are numbered, that can at best provide only a rough estimate of the number of notes (and rests).


In reply to by PeterGHughes

I just tried to make NoteList run.
I downloaded it and moved it to the plugin folder and activated it.
but I don't really see how it works? Its listed under plugins but nothing happens when I click on it.
Do you know if it still runs?
Thank you and best regards!

In reply to by bluebossard

Many plugins from earlier versions no longer run in MuseScore Studio. Starting in 4.4 (or was it earlier?), they changed the plugin language to a newer version. Thus, the developer (or, at least, someone) must make some small (usually!) changes to get it to work correctly.

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