fine-tuning object positions, other small tweaks

• Feb 18, 2009 - 16:38

+ when an object is selected (for instance a breath symbol or text), how about allowing arrow keys for positioning ?
From what I see, this is available now (woo hoo!) - but only for object handles (ick!).

+breaths could be inserted at automatic positions, but dropped onto the staff (the intuitive way), instead onto a notehead.

Generic Staffs:
+ in the Instruments window /New Score Wizard, please add generic staffs with clefs G, F and C.

+ notehead change: selecting a few bars or notes, then dropping the symbol on the entire selection, not notehead by notehead.

+ a kind request for a new notehead shape in the palette ! : Big Circles - these are often used in books for children, often filled with numbers or colors indicating keys to be pressed on a midi keyboard. Very similar to fingering names in circles or to the symbols palette that are available right now.


how to make a clef to appear in every line ? I've tried:

double clicking the first clef / right clicking it
inserting another one manually, hoping for a dialog box
using the mysterious Object Inspector
opening the Instruments window...


how to have a barline before the first bar in each line ? I know it is not necessary correct, but I often get requests from non-musicians to make the music "look better, more complete" this way in published books ;)


how to insert/change instrument name after creating a new staff with no instrument name ?


Arrow Keys
The arrow keys are are used for other functions: changing pitch for notes and to navigate through the score. Some objects can be moved in "edit mode" with arrow keys. Some objects can be dragged with the mouse. The behaviour of keys should be consistent for different objects and we do not want to introduce new "modes".

To change more than one notehead at once first select all noteheads and then double click on a notehead in the palette to change all.

Default is to automatically create a clef for every staff. There is a style option to supress clefs except for the fist staff (as used in lead sheets).

There is currently no way (i believe) to create a barline at the left edge of the staff. This barline is automatically omitted for single staff scores. But i can create an special style option for this behaviour.

Instrument names
Instrument names can be entered in the staff property dialog. Once there they can be edited like normal text in the score.

> Q:
> how to have a barline before the first bar in each line ?
> I know it is not necessary correct, but I often get requests
> from non-musicians to make the music "look better,
> more complete" this way in published books ;)

As you mention, this is incorrect I would recommend against doing it (and I would recommend against adding an official style option to MuseScore). However, there is a hack that allows this.

Create your first staff and add the necessary notes. Add another staff via Create > Instruments. Do not add any notes to the second staff. Instead go to Style > Edit Style and select "Hide Empty Staves"

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