Cannot exchange 4/8 time signature by 2/4 time signature

• Mar 23, 2016 - 12:34

Having some score written in 4/8 time signature, and I want to change the time signature by 2/8: select 4/8 in the score and try do drag/drop the 2/4 time signature over the 4/8 time signature, but nothing happens!

The mscz file weill be attached!

mscore version: Linux Fedora 23, self compiled git version 2.1.0 (dd4530e)

Attachment Size
2. Satz_1.mscz 81.8 KB


Nothing happens because the time signature already is 2/4, something you can see in the part 'Einzelstimme-1', where it does show as 2/4 as well.

To correct the displayed time signature numbers, right-click the time signature and open up its properties. In that dialog, you'll see two disabled fields on the left side, showing you that the real value of the time signature is 2/4 (simplified value 1/2). On the right side, you can enter 2 and 4 as text for the signature, where it is now stated as 4/8

MS 2.0.2 / Windows 10.

If you drag and drop a 3/4 time sig (say) onto the first bar then UNDO, the time sig reverts to 2/4, rather than the expected 4/8.

A bug perhaps?

In reply to by geetar

Yes and no. It seems to be rather a wrong conversion from 1.3 to 2.x.

If you create a new score in 2.0.2 and set 4/8 as time signature, you can drag-n-drop and undo all the above without issues. Even if you change the displayed text to 5/5 all works as it should. (drop 3/4, undo shows 5/5 again with 4/8 as real value)

To be sure it is a conversion bug, we first need to know if the time signature in 1.3 is 4/8 or if it already was 2/4 shown as 4/8. If it is a real 4/8 in the 1.3 score, then yes, feel free to file an issue for this.

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