Program Hangs

• Apr 24, 2011 - 02:11

MuseScore 1.0 apparently installs okay. When bring it up, it loads the demo doc, then hangs. Apparently using all of system compute cycles, so it is apparently going into a loop. Cannot exit musescore. Only way to get out that I know is to go to task manager, and kill the process try. Uninstalled it, reloaded software, reinstalled. No change in symptoms. Now 0.96 does same thing. May be related.


Hi again. I'm new to this forum. Am responding to my request for help regarding program hanging. Don't know how this will attach.

Anyhow to respond to a response, opsys is Windows XP, service levels are current, etc.

I cannot recall trying 1.0 after installing it. I'm trying to help someone else put Musescore up to use.

However, I do have something to report. I traied again to bring up Musescore normally, with same hang problem. While leaving that version up (not killing it in task manager) I tried a different method of bringing it up. Right click on the icon, then choose "Run as...". This comes up with a screen that has a checked box "Protect my computer from unauthorized program activity", or something like that. Hmmm. System allowed me to set up an entry.

My guess is that there is something unprotected in the software as distributed, and this protection seems to take care of it. I don't know if I have some exposure in my implementation of the operating system, or in the implementation of musescore that is causing this problem, but in any case, using this special protected mode seems to be a work around. Someone with more smarts as to the guts of the program might want to pursue it further.



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