Break point between treble and bass clef

• Mar 29, 2016 - 02:18

Hi there, I am in the middle of transcribing a song into Muse Score 2, and running into and issue with some low treble notes. See the original/muse score images attached. Essentially some of the notes are so low in the treble clef that musescore is moving them down to the bass clef. This is causing problems both visually, but also structurally as the notes in the bass clef are different timings. When it moves the note down into the bass clef, it overwrites what is already there. Is there a workaround for this?


Attachment Size
original.png 27.41 KB
muse-score.png 14.63 KB


Looks like you're entering notes by clicking at different heights on the staff, so at some point MuseScore has to guess which one you're closer to. Using the keyboard instead of the mouse is probably the most efficient way—for example, for the first chord in the treble staff, type E, press Ctrl+Down (Cmd+Down on OS X), then hold down Shift and add F, G, C.

Alternatively, if you're more mouse-oriented, you can add more space between the staves—simplest way is to hold down Shift and drag the bottom staff downwards.

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