fast menu and click not work every time

• Apr 10, 2016 - 14:42

in some situation
like (N)ext in a step window
or menu (E)dit->Copy
want to use alt+(ABC...) for faster editing
but do not work well or like copy do not set the key
or in create new score the (N)ext do not work when there is some text column
and if i use some macro for faster editing there do not good key to press for the macro reason


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

it is the ui problem
for example
press alt+E+P to access preferences
press alt+N to press next button
without mouse

when press ctrl+N and type title... want to go next the alt+N do not work

and in the menu many button can not access like preferences alt+E+P
it is important for use macro software to do repeat things

In reply to by hongdazhi

I'm sorry, I still don't understand. There is no "Next" button in the Preferences dialog,. So I'm not sure what you are expecting to happen you press Alt+N. Nor is there any "Title" in that dialog. And I don't know what you are expect "Ctrl+N" to do while in that dialog. Ctrl+N is the shortcut to bring up the "Create New Score" wizard, which *does* have a "Title" field. If you press Ctrl+N, the dialog appears and the mouse is already in the "Title" the title field, so you can start typing right away - no need to press any additional shortcut. And then you can press Tab to move to the next field (Composer), or press Enter to press the "Next" button at any time. No need to press Alt+N; Enter always presses the default button in a dialog, and that is the "Next" button in this dialog.

If you are still having problems, please list *precisely*, step by step, what buttons you are pressing, and describe what you expect to happen (and why), and what happens instead.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

if i want to enter preference

if i want to copy as this way
i can't do it due to no key for copy

if i add a new score
i do not want to type in anything and want to go to next page
alt+N will not work as many software

i hope musescore can work in many situation without use mouse
and this will help macro software to do repeat things

In reply to by hongdazhi

What do you mean by "copy"? If you are talking about copying text, the standard Ctrl+C shortcut works anywhere in MuseScore. But I don't understand what you want to copy or why?

Hmm, maybe what you mean is, you want to be able to press Alt+E followed by C to be activate the mnemonic for Edit / Copy, and indeed, this doesn't work. That is a known bug that only affects commands whose first letter is A-G. See #101991: Menu mnemonics A-G create note in note input mode. But of course, you don't need Alt+E, C to do a "copy" operation - the standard shortcut Ctrl+C works as it should.

After Ctrl+N, as I said, simply hit Enter to move to the next page 0 no need for the mouse. Yes, Alt+N should probably be added as a shortcut as well because the button is labeled "Next", so feel to submit an offical feature request in the issue tracker for that. But again, because it is the default action, all you need to do is hit Enter. This is pretty standard behavior for wizards - Enter almost always takes you to the next screen.

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