different Stem length under Beams

• Apr 15, 2016 - 07:38


I noticed that in some cases there are different stem lengths under beam groups with 2 notes than under groups with more than 2 notes.

For example when you type two high G 8th notes in violin clef the stem leght is OK in my opinion. When you enter a third note the stems will be shortend.

It happens only with notes in the outer gaps and notes directly above or below the staff. Notes on lines are not affected. (see picture)

Is this a feature or a bug?

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I'd say neither feature nor bug - it's just the result of a very complex algorithm that does some special casing to handle two beamed notes in a more optimal way than larger groupings. With two notes only, the start point and end point as the only relevant notes, which simplified the problem greatly. With larger groupings, there are many more possibilities, so we end up needing to generalize more.

Probably the could stand to be tweaked for the very special case of more than two notes *all of the same pitch*, to yield results more consistent with the two-note case. Feel free to file that as a feature request to the issue tracker (see link in menu at right).

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