multi-measure rest

• Apr 16, 2016 - 23:17

I think it would be helpful to set up commands for multi-measure rest on the
fly, rather than all at the end. E.g., I can create a slur by clicking on the
first note, hold down CTRL, click on the last note, and hit "S". Why not
something similar for multi-measure rest? The advantage would be flexibility
(e.g., 3 measures of rest, then 2 measures of rest, etc.), easier to keep
from getting lost counting measures, and being able to see the result on the
screen. If it didn't look right the user could kill it & try again. Thanks.


You can already do this, just press "M" to toggle multimeasure rests - and like you said, if you do something wrong, you can kill it and try again. Also, if you want your rest broken into 3 then 2, this also happens automatically currently if you add a double bar, tempo change, rehearsal mark, etc - any of things that would normally *cause* a multimeasure to need to be broken. It should virtually never happen that you want to break a multimeasure rest for any reaosn that MuseScore doesn't handle automatically, but even if you wish to create that sort of non-standard notation you can get it by right-clicking the measure you wiush to break the rest and choose Measure Properties then "Break multimeasure rest". Again, though, you should never need to do this - multimeasdure rests are broken automatically at the "right" places by default.

Note that normally, one wouldn't be entering multimeasure rests at all. Normally, you enter a full score, and MsueScore creates multimeasure automatically for you when creating the parts. No need to count measures of rest - it does that for you to. I guess maybe for some reason you are trying to enter music that was *already* extracted into individual parts, rather than entering the full score? Thius is a very unusual situation, but even in such cases, it's still pretty easy to get the rest count right. Just click the first measure then hit Shift+right while counting. Or, just make a guess, then toggle the rests, see how close you got, then insert or delete measures as necessary.

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