Unable to enter choices at "instrument" box

• May 20, 2011 - 17:18

I've downloaded and installed Musescore on my mac.

Problem: I "create a new score" and title it, but the next box is greyed out. I cannot select instruments.

I've tried restarting Musescore, adjusting preferences, but can't get past this.

Can I fix this? Or should I reinstall?



Are either of the two radio boxes at the bottom checked (from template / from scratch)? Normally one should be by default, but if for some reason it wasn't, I could see that disabling the next button.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I've run into this situation with others, with other software, so now I know how it feels.

I assure you I know how to use these programs. I've used MusicTime, Rhapsody, Sound Forge, Audacity, etc.

Right now the problem is exactly as I originally stated: I SEE the choices of instruments, but they are all greyed out. No amount of clicking or double-clicking has any effect.

I did watch the video (link in previous message) but stopped as soon as "Instrument List" appeared. Obviously, in the video the list is accessible, black, and works. With my install of Musescore, it does not work. I've downloaded and installed two separate times now.

I thank you for your help. Something is going wrong when the program installs. So I am stumped.

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