Enable Repeat Count for Final Double Bar

• Apr 28, 2016 - 19:48

I dealt with this issue some time back, but now that I am a *little* less green, I feel confident to say that it is needed as a new feature.
In hymnals, when the final bar is reached, it is time to sing the next verse. Repeat marks are NOT used for the final bar in hymnals. This is not a case of an individual, flawed publication; pick up ANY hymnal of any denomination in your local church or library, and you can readily observe this for yourself. (I suppose that the reason for this convention is that all verses are considered optional.) Examples may also be found online at http://www.pdhymns.com or http://www.hymnary.org.

At any rate, it would be helpful if a repeat count could be added to the final bar such that the entire song could be repeated as many times as there are verses.

Thanks again for your time and consideration.


I'm not sure what you are asking for here. Maybe I'm missing something but typically the accompanist knows how many verses to play via program/bulletin/hymnboard, etc. Or the hymn contains the lyrics and you can see how many there are.

EDIT: Are you using MuseScore to generate the accompaniment, and right now you have to manually restart playback for each verse needed?

In reply to by schepers

What I am asking for is a way to instruct Musescore to repeat playback. As you correctly observed, the musicians know to go back and play the additional verses when they get to the end.

The simple way to get Musescore to repeat playback is to use a repeat bar at the end, go into measure properties, and specify the number of repeats in the "repeat count" box. However, ending with a repeat bar is not the proper formatting for a hymn.

So, my envisioned fix is to enable the "repeat count" property of measures that end with a final bar. This would allow Musescore to playback x verses while displaying the hymnal-appropriate final bar on the ending.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks, Jm6stringer. Almost there, or I think so.

I can get it to show up as in your graphics, but the space between double bar and the invisible repeat is being counted as a rest, so it delays the start of the next verse. If I drag the final bar directly to the end of the measure, the repeat bar is getting replaced outright.

Any thoughts?

In reply to by sbdunn

Click on the last note.
(Menu) Edit ->Bar ->Split Measure.
Add the repeat to the very end of the piece.
Right-click on the final "measure" and set the Repeat count.
Change the single-bar that splits the measure to a double-end bar.
Move this end bar by adjusting its Horizontal offset in Inspector.

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