Musescore 2.0.3 not adding pedal end marks when exporting MIDI

• Apr 30, 2016 - 19:03

Currently not working in version 2.0.3 revision 3c7269d. It seems like Musescore is not adding pedal end marks to midi files when they are right next to each other. If a note is left between two pedal markings (for example the last note of a measure does not have pedal and then a new marking at the start of the next measure) the end mark is included. Without that mark the VSTs I use are not able to playback the pedal properly, and will consider the consequent markings as a continuous pedal (most notably PianoTeq5). I have currently been adding the marks in an external program but it would be convenient if it was included in Musescore.


In reply to by Erolon

Your MIDI file plays fine in TiMidity. Also, I tried modifying your score to change keys every measure and then re-exporting to make any errors more obvious, and it still sounded fine. Could be there is a bug in the program you are using to play your MIDI file?

Here is a screen shot of part of the Event List of your uploaded MIDI in Sonar Professional.....

As you can see quite clearly Pedal on/off events are there - 1 tick apart.

It's possible that this is too close for PianoTeq5 to interpret correctly - I have just tried with the CIty Piano SFZ loaded into DImension Pro, and some of the Pedal changes were not acted on.

So you may need to go into your sequencer and space the ineffective on/off events slightly more.

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