Even saving the file with customized soundfont it still load the default font next time.

• Jun 6, 2011 - 04:45

I have a sound font collection I use for all my songs. I can load it and replace it for the song but when I close the program restart it or reload the song the default sound font is used again. I can see that my custom font shows up and in the right path. If I click on it again the song how plays with my own sound font. All is fine afterward until I close the file or restart the program. I notice a preset button but there is a "not implemented" sign on it so I assume it is the function to save your default sound font? I have a few questions regarding the current design:

1) Is there plan to finish the preset function so I can set my own soundfont as default?

2) I notice that if I load a new midi song the soundfont defaults to the original one and not my custom one until I change it again for that song and then save. Is there a general program preset for default soundfont?

3) I have songs that uses a different channels which I can load multiple fonts set (eg I have my dedicated violin and violia fonts set on its own instead of using a GM type font) When I load any midi songs that uses a different channel all those tracks plays the drum/bell sounds instead. Will this get supported in the future?



I tested with the following on MuseScore 1.0 and windows (which version of MuseScore are you using ?)

  1. Run MuseScore with all preferences as default.
  2. Create a new file from scratch and play it -> it plays with the default soundfont
  3. Change the soundfont and play the file -> it plays with the new soundfont
  4. Save the file and restart MuseScore
  5. Open the file and play it -> it plays with the new soundfont as expected

To answer your other questions :

  1. Preset are not related with the soundfont file but, when implemented, they should let you save Chorus and reverb settings.
  2. The soundfont setting is currently set for the whole application. All the files you load are rendered with the soundfont defined in Display -> Synth. The defaul soundfont is used for the first startup. This soundfont is not used againif you define a different one except if MuseScore can't find the Soundfont you defined on startup.
  3. MuseScore supports GM soundfont and so GM channel assignment. You can change this assignement in Display-> Mixer

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