Even saving the file with customized soundfont it still load the default font next time.
I have a sound font collection I use for all my songs. I can load it and replace it for the song but when I close the program restart it or reload the song the default sound font is used again. I can see that my custom font shows up and in the right path. If I click on it again the song how plays with my own sound font. All is fine afterward until I close the file or restart the program. I notice a preset button but there is a "not implemented" sign on it so I assume it is the function to save your default sound font? I have a few questions regarding the current design:
1) Is there plan to finish the preset function so I can set my own soundfont as default?
2) I notice that if I load a new midi song the soundfont defaults to the original one and not my custom one until I change it again for that song and then save. Is there a general program preset for default soundfont?
3) I have songs that uses a different channels which I can load multiple fonts set (eg I have my dedicated violin and violia fonts set on its own instead of using a GM type font) When I load any midi songs that uses a different channel all those tracks plays the drum/bell sounds instead. Will this get supported in the future?
I tested with the following on MuseScore 1.0 and windows (which version of MuseScore are you using ?)
To answer your other questions :