Reading digitations for each chord

• Jun 7, 2011 - 10:55


I am creating a plugin and I must read each chord and a digitation text associated to it. Is it possible ? Can we read a text of the score ? Will it be possible ?

Tank you for your help.


I guess by "digitation" you mean fingerings. It's not possible to access fingerings from the plugin framework. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, I want to say fingerings (in spanish digitaciones), a very bad traduction.

I am an amateur player of diatonic accordion. In my scores appears the melody for right hand, the bass for the left one and a fingering for the melody to know with finger you must use and a circle rounding it if you must open the 'blower'? (no circle if you have to close it)

I want to convert that melody to a new document with the number of the bottom I must press. For that I must knew each note (I did it) and if the blower must open or close (I take this from fingering).

I supose that it's not possible by now.

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