Dampen Closed Hi-Hat

• May 7, 2016 - 01:46

Is there a way to edit the Drumset to change only the Closed Hi-Hat? I want to dampen it without quieting the other drum parts and without making a separate line for it. I already have a lot of instruments on the score and I don't want to add more.


If by "dampen" you mean "make quieter", no there is no way to control the volume of individual notes in the drumset definition. You can do so for individual notes in your score, by selectiong them then changing the Velocity properties in the Inspector, but not globally for the drumset.

You could also try one of the other kits within the drumset - see the Mxer. Or, try a different soundfont - perhaps one balances things more to your liking.

There is a way to balance drumset instruments using MIDI NRPNs, but unfortunately MuseScore doesn't yet support the transmitting of NRPNs to the synth engine.

You can however control the velocity of individual notes from the inspector.

Simply select the notes you wish to adjust the dynamic of, and then either enter a relative or absolute velocity value in the Velocity section near the bottom of the inspector.

For relative choose velocity type Offset, and for absolute choose velocity type User.


In reply to by trevers18

Setting an absolute velocity means you are sayng that is the actual volume ou want (on a scale of 0-127). This therefore overrides whatever the dynamic marking is for that staff. If you set a relative velocity, then this amount is added to / subtracted to whatever the default velocity would have been for the current dynamic marking. That's probably what you want normally, so that making it, say, -20 means it will be 20 units quieter than whatever the defualt is, and this will continue to be true in louder passages as well as quieter ones.

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