Precedence of notes

• May 9, 2016 - 22:01

How does one set overlap priority? If you can not, this aught to be implemented somehow.
Here is a snippet from Claude Debussy's Prelude 1er Livre:


In an attempt to implement this into MuseScore I come across a problem having to do with the upper voice with the overlap:


A previous post of mine ( talked about making a blank text box over an element, but this then supersedes the notes as per:


Is there a way to either take that blank box and have it be set in the "background" but not completely in the background? e.g., the foreground of Voice-1 but the background of Voice-2 or something similar? or is there another method of doing this?

Any help is much appreciated :)


You can:
1. Either as the last stage open the PDF file in Inkscape and remove the beam at that place.
2. Use custom lines, see pic:
shot 3.png

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