Please, o please, better recovery :(

• Jun 25, 2011 - 21:41

While i love musescore, it sometimes brings me to tears.

Quite often i am doing something beyond simple melodic lines and musescore will stb on me. If i hadn't saved recently, that's a lot of work gone. Yes, going back in will sometimes recover some of the work for me, but i haven't had consistent luck.

If there could be a log file of some sort that i could feed back in (or it checks automatically, whatever) to actually recover my work to the point it died, i would be so happy. By opening and closing the log often (shouldn't be much of a resource waste between each action i do) it should be up to date. If that file could be edited with a text editor to remove the last step -- presumably the straw that broke the camels back -- that would be totally cool.

I suppose an alternative would be to just have it save versions at some user-specified interval (personally, i'd have it happen every min) keeping maybe n versions around.



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