"Scrolling" System Text

• Jun 30, 2016 - 22:50


I've just been using MuseScore to put together a Conductor's Full Score for a Brass Band piece for which there previously was none.

It occurred to me that it would be absolutely invaluable if it were possible to have all the "System Text" items "scroll" down the page as you work. For example, while working on a Brass Band piece which has 15 parts and working towards the bottom of the page, I find myself continually having to scroll back to the top of the page to check that I'm in the right place with Rehearsal Marks, Rit's and Rall's, Tempo changes etc.

Is it perhaps possible to add this feature, so that these items move with the page, in much the same way as the bar numbers and instrument names do in "continuous" mode?




In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Also, this aligns well with requests made elsewhere in the forums for a feature to automatically duplicate similar system-text-like items (such as tempo and rehearsal marks) at the bottom of the score. PLEASE DON'T provide more work-arounds for this; I'm requesting a new feature not a work-around,

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