Not so random generator

• Aug 5, 2016 - 05:18

I'm trying to understand the random plugin code so I can modify it to generate custom rythmic patterns and custom interval jumps, is there anyone interested as well and better prepared to understand how to do it, I'm interested in using it in the classroom to make random reading exercises...


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you very much! is the almost perfect tool, it has almost all I need, the thing is that the idea I had was to be able to choose from different note groups as four semiquavers, as a quaver and two semiquavers or viceversa, RESTS etc. Because choosing the notes alone it can generate complex rhytmic patterns not suitable for children practising. Also being able to choose from a single treble, bass or grand clef, the utilization of ties, etc. In resume a plugin or tool to generate custom random rythmic and/or clef reading exercises.
Or maybe a plugin for each "template", as I see in the code maybe it has no options to customize that much, but maybe it can be coded to generate specific parameters, and so being able to code several plugins with different parameters.

In reply to by carlosAdrian

You can always edit the resulting file btw. Change the clef etc..

I understand the summary "generate custom random rythmic and/or clef reading exercises" and From your answer, I understand that you want

1/ Ability to select groups, 4 eight notes, 1 eight 2 16th etc... Can you list all the groups you want?
That will probably do not work well with 6/8 etc... right?

2/ choose treble, bass, or grand staff. For grand staff, do you want the notes for G clef and F clef to make sense together? if yes how?

3/ Is there anything else?

If you define the tool in details maybe someone will be able to make it happen.

In reply to by carlosAdrian

Thank you!

Right, I mean to use it in classes to generate spontaneus exercises but with the parameters suiting the subject we are seeing, that's why I intend to be able to generate "different types of randomness"

I could say that the needed customizable parameters would be:

-Clef (Single Treble, Single Bass and Grand Clef at least)
(In grand clef maybe the option of 1 general line for reading or 1 line per staff for bi-rhythmic exercises)

-Number of measures

-Time Signature (2, 3 and 4/4, and 6, 9 and 12/8 at least)

-Range (from A1 to A6 I would say)

-Valid leaps (from unison to 15th I would say)

-Rhythmic figures and groups (At least one dotted figures included)
(Groups: 2 8th, 4 16th, 16th 8th 16th, 8th and 2 16th (*and viceversa), dotted 4th and 8th*, dotted 8th and 16th*, and the ternary options like 3 8th, 6 16th, variables with pair of 16th's in each of 3 subdivisions, and the 16th 8th 16th pattern variables in 2 of the 3 subdivisión)

-Utilization of rests (to choose from half, 4th, 8th and 16th)

-Utilization of ties between measures (yes or no)

I don't know much about coding but I learn fast and I would really like to make (or have) a tool like that to improve my classes flow and effectivity (and of course use it myself). I'd really appreciate some help!

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