Treat invisible objects as invisible

• Sep 3, 2016 - 06:40

It would be really, really awesome if Musescore readjusted spacing for everything that you can turn invisible - not just notes. Articulations in particular would be really good - they mess with slur lines, but I've also had the occasional invisible time signature, and it leaves a huge blank space.

It's not really invisible if it still has a visual impact. :-D

Example of a common invisible articulation thing: Staccato with a slur over it does not play back anywhere near correctly. Add invisible portato or tenuto, depending. Knocks the slur line down to collide with staccato dots.

Invisible time signatures were just local time bits - I'd have a 3/4(6/8) at the beginning and it'd be an invisible 6/8 because it's not necessary to see it again.


"It's not really invisible if it still has a visual impact. "
Have you seen that you can hide these "invisible" objects in: View -> Untick " Show invisible" ? Or have I misunderstood somewhere your request?

In reply to by cadiz1

You misunderstand. I'm talking about the spacing. If you have an invisible time signature, you will have a time signature sized blank space in front of the note. If you have an invisible portato over a slur, the slur is moved down to accomodate it as if it were visible.

I'm not caring about the greyed out vs gone thing in the view, I know how to do all that.

In reply to by Laurelin

For time signature, if you don't need a time signature (meaning invisible and not taking space) then don't put a time signature in the first place but change the measure actual duration in Measure properties. Idem for articulations, if you don't need the articulation, don't put it in. If you need the articulation for playback only, then change the playback in the piano roll (it will at least work for articulations like staccato, but not for trills)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

It's a local time signature, I can't just edit the thing.

And the piano roll editor is so buggy and crash prone - half the time it doesn't actually change anything, and it will crash the whole shebang pretty easily.

The invisible palette time sig, btw, is dangerous - you can't see it in any mode, so you can't edit it after you edit.

You don't need a palette time sig, though, you can edit the text to be empty in time sig properties.

Again, I still think this would be a good feature to have.

In reply to by Laurelin

I often use the piano roll to change the sound reproduction and have never encountered any problems. The only known drawback ( Ormis it is not fully implemented ) is that we must close it and reopen it to see the change ( an "apply" button would be welcome ).
On the french forum I even put a ( very modest ) manual of piano roll : ( penultimate post )
I translate :
As for values displayed either a half note or round its length is 1000 (1000 what?). However, by dividing or multiplying this value or adding a percentage is obtained him about what we want.
eg. I want to double the length of the note > len = 2000 ( len = 500 to reduce to the half )
I want to reduce the length of the note of 10% > len = 900
There is, of course, no negative value for "len".
I want the note "attack" 1/10th of its term earlier > On time = -100
I want the note "attack" 2/10th of its time later > On time = 200
On time supports, we suspected, negative values.

OK. To make invisible time sig. of the score during treatment but to create a time sig. invisible reusable must use the main palette.
When invisible to know the current time sign. just look in the properties of the first measure. It is true that it is no longer possible to re-edit, but you only have to replace the visible indication temporarily to make changes ... and make it invisible again.
It might then be useful in this case, you can open the properties of time sign. from the "Staff properties" or "Measures properties".

In reply to by Miré

I know how to use piano roll, but it is very hit and miss as to whether it actually implements the changes (usually len = 900 instead of 1000), and it is prone to crashing. High risk, very little reward to use it.

I'm pretty sure that 1000 = 100% length, so 900 = 90% length. It would make more sense to me if they just used the ticks that midi relies on - maybe the editor would be more reliable then. Sometimes if I enter it in as ticks (quarter/quaver = 465), it works. Again, very spotty on reliablilty.

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