Taceting Multibar Rests

• Sep 7, 2016 - 05:33

I want to rename the number count of rest bars (32, or any number):

Into something like this (TACET):
By RWJHughes - taken from my sheet music, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19344310

Is this possible? How do I do it?


I see this notation "tacet af fine" in Behind Bars/ p.580.
For now, I see a workaround, since it is impossible, to my knowledge right now (?), to dissociate the selection of the numeral and the multi-measure rests.
So, possible by the "Image Captur" tool, and by excluding the numeral.
Then, make Invisible the barlines and the rests in a range selection -> Add the image, resize if necessary -> and add TACET as ordinary text.
Result below, and .mscz test file attached: test tacet.mscz
tacet jpeg.jpg

NB: as always, you can add the text TACET and the image (after resizing!) in a palette for later reuse.

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