How to delete/cut/remove Note dots?

• Oct 27, 2016 - 23:56

I'm not talking about Articulations. I'm talking about Note Dots that appear beside a note that I am unable to cut out no matter how much I try. I do not need them. I have posted a screenshot in case it is necessary.

Attachment Size
2016-10-27.png 245.69 KB


I think you mean the dots that increase the duration of notes by 1/2?

If so, you can select the note and hit the period, or select the note and select the proper duration.

In reply to by xavierjazz

On your image, you have selected the dot (then right-click). But as written, the context menu refers to the dotted note, not to the dot itself (it cannot be removable by this way)
So, as indicated, select the note head, and hit on "." (keyboard shortcut) or click on icon in the toolbar, to change its value/duration.

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