
• Nov 9, 2016 - 00:42

Can someone help me figure out why Musescore is writing triplets like the attached picture? I can't get it to just write three eighth notes instead of two eighths and a sixteenth.
Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
Triplet.jpeg 23.89 KB



The only way to find out the problem is if you attach your score here. (See below the text box for your question).

It's obvious that something is wrong.

As a work-around, please save a new, differently named file and delete that bar, insert a new bar and try re-writing it.

Is this connected to your previous question?

In general, MuseScore enters what you tell it to. In order to understand what happens, we'd need you to explain what you actually di to enter these notes. but for the record, the way to enter an eighth note triplet (assuming you are in note input mode with the cursor ready to enter your notes) is to type 5 Ctrl+3 and then type the three notes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Here are two attachments of what I am trying to do. I started with a whole note rest and divided it into eight 1/8th note rests. Then I started entering my notes from left to right. There is an 1/8th note rest to begin the measure. Then for each successive eighth note rests I entered an eighth note. After entering the first three eighth notes I tried to create a triplet which would be the equivalent time duration of two eighth notes and should have appeared as 3 tied 1/8 notes with a little 3 over top. However it creates 1/16th notes instead of 1/8 notes (see the second attachment). I can't get Musescore to let me enter an 1/8th note (after the first rest in the measure), then another eighth note, press N to enter notation then command + 3 which is the way the manual says to enter a triplet.
I also tried starting with a half note rest after the entering the initial 1/8 rest and an eighth note but Musescore still creates a 1/16th note triplet instead of an 1/8th note triplet.
I am doing something wrong here but I don't know what!
Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
triplet.jpeg 67.76 KB
Attempt at creating a triplet.jpeg 66.91 KB

In reply to by jawick

BIngo! After struggling with this, it has finally worked to start with a quarter note rest, highlight it then do command + 3. My problem was getting all the rests in the proper order and also like a dummy trying to create a triplet on an eight note rest. I should have known to start with a quarter note rest as that's the correct time duration for a triplet.
Think man think....

In reply to by jawick

You've got it, I think. You start with the *total* duration of the tuplet, not the duration of the first note (remember, not all notes within a tuplet will necessarily always be the same length).

Although you are actually still making it more complicated than it need be. no need to start with a quarter rest. Literally type exactly what I said: 5 Ctrl+3 and then enter the three notes. No need to first enter a quarter rest and then turn it into a triplet. No more than you create half notes by first entering a quarter rest then turning it into a half note. Just select the duration then enter the notes.

My educated guess is that you selected an eighth rest and asked to turn it into a Triplet.   MuseScore dutifully produced a triplet equivalent to an eighth rest.   (Necessarily, said triplet consists of 16th notes.)

But I think that what you actually wanted was a triplet with a duration of a quarter rest.

Select two adjacent eighth0rests and click on the quarter-note symbol in the toolbar.   This will convert the two eighth-rests into a quarter.   Next, convert that into a triplet.   MuseScore should present you with a triplet, now necessarily consisting of eighth notes, corresponding to the same quarter-note duration of the rest from which it was made.

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