Is this possible doing by a plug-in?

• Dec 13, 2011 - 20:57


I'd like to develop a plug-in that would change the visualization of the score, to be more intuitive to a piano player, and also have a uniform vertical distance between notes, i.e. the vertical distance between a major interval would be greater than a minor interval, as in a piano.

Basically, the plug-in would do 5 things to the notes visualization:

1.Eliminate sharps and flats symbols
2.The sharp or flat notes would be slightly be moved up or down, to symbolize its accident.
3.All the notes without accidents would turn to a white note-head, like a piano white key.
4.All the slightly moved up and down notes would have a black note-head, like a piano black key.
5.Since the white/black half-note would be identical to a white/black quarter-note, the half-note head would be a square instead of a circle.

And one thing to the score visualization:

1.The E and G score lines would be nearer, since there are only a minor third between then, as also the D and F score lines.

This kind of visualization is possible doing in a plug-in?

Thank you,


I don't think you can adjust he vertical position of notes through the plugin, although I think that would be useful too, and I know there has been some discussion about adding it - might even be possible already in the trunk? Everything else on your list is probably possible except changing the distance between individual staff lines.

be more intuitive to a piano player

1. should be possible
2. No. At least not yet via a plugin. Even in trunk. You can move a note in the interface with double click and arrow keys
3. possible
4, possible
5. possible

1. Not possible via plugin and not possible in MuseScore core either.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

It MAY be intuitive.
It is almost a piano roll, and before each bar, the bar separator will be a little keyboard, with the notes following aligned perfectly.
Since some could find it a little wacky, I think doing it in a plug-in is the way to go.

Perhaps another way to implement it, very easy and simple: to draw it below the standard staff, like an ossia tool?
Can a plug-in draw directly in the score and widen spaces between staves?

In reply to by robson_cozendey

No, a plugin cannot draw. It might be able to change staff spacing; the ful set of page format setting that work with plugins isn't really documented (but you could browse the source and figure out for yourself). Still, what you're talking about is so far from the sort of thing a notation program would normally be able to do - by plugin or otherwise - that I'd suggest a different approach entirely, Namely, have the plugin create an SVG file to display in another program.

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