help needed - unknown symbol

• Nov 11, 2016 - 12:46


I found a symbol in a handwritten score from the 1920s. The part is for the violin. And I attached a picture of it, the symbol is marked witha red circle.

Can anyone tell me the meaning of this symbol?
And how can it be placed into a musescore score?

Thanks and best,

Attachment Size
Symbol.PNG 14.06 KB


My best guess would have been that they intended it to indicate a breath, except that this makes no sense for violin. Might nonetheless be some some of quirky phrase marking.

I find that (in French) Croix.png I try to translate :

I know now and I'm sure,the little cross, is a trille (invented by Marais) , but it must begin by the note above and not the principal note .

It's all I can tell ......

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

The trill invented by Marais seems unlikely in a 20th century score. Though I suppose it could also be a very sloppily written "tr" mark.

To me also it seems like breathing marks that were later crossed out when the composer appears to have changed his (her?) mind.

Breathing marks do occur--rarely--in violin parts. You are supposed to end the note before them a bit early as if you wanted/needed to breathe.

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