How do I use ABC import?

• Nov 20, 2016 - 00:00

We've developed a little app that helps children compose a short 8 bar melody.

Now I am looking to export the composition in ABC format and then import it into MuseScore so that I can take a screenshot of the composition and post in on my website.

I know how to export it but I don't know HOW TO open the data in MuseScore.
Does anyone use the ABC format? If yes, please tell me the steps. Thank you!

The image shows an actual screenshot of the app and what a composition would look like.



* Go to Plugins > Plugins manager
* Check ABC import on the list on the left and press OK
* Go to Plugins > ABC import and copy paste your ABC code or load your ABC file
* Press OK and the file should be imported in MuseScore.

Note that the ABC import plugin uses and so you need to be online. It might be better to write a MusicXML exporter in your app, it will make it compatible with hundreds of other apps, including MuseScore.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you lasconic,
for some reason, I didn't find that but the good news is that it worked exactly as you described it.
I've spent all afternoon learning abut ABC format.

Today was a very productive day and now that the last piece of the puzzle is solved, I can look forward to converting the note letters to an actual score. :)

Thanks again for helping,

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