Creating Parts

• Jan 12, 2012 - 17:07

Having completed a score of my first arrangment, I find that trying to print individual parts is not possible! I've followed the instructions ref. but then, when I go to............ file - parts - in the window click on the part required - click 'create part'.......the first couple of times the part was "squashed" with things like the repeat bars brackets showing through a different staff and the empty bars looking a mess and missing dynamics! I've tried a couple of times, to no avail. I've checked through the forum and have seen similar problems mentioned but nothing works. The last few times I've tried, after the "create parts" I get a window saying ....mscore.exe has stopped will try to find a solution to the problem....program will close!
I've uploaded the score - its "Cromer Breezes" - I use Vista and Musescore 1.1
I look forward to your help so that I can try this arrangement with my band.

Attachment Size
Cromer Breezes.mscz 65.81 KB


The first thing I noticed is that there is no score on the 1st page, it starts on the 2nd page.

Next, I twice tried to export the part selected in you score. MS crashed both times with no warning.

Xp, r1.1.

Thecrash is probably due either to the score having been corrupted somehow (such as a bug in MuseScore), or else it's a valid file but a bug in MuseScore preents it from loading. Either way, not much we can say about that example right now.

But in general, creating parts does normally work as it should. note dynamics are per staff - if you want a marking to appear on all staves, you need to attach it each staff. repeats and endings should work, but I've noticed if a part has a multimeasure rest in that spot, it doesn't unless I explicitly set the "break multimeasure rest" flag in the measure properties of the first measure of the volta.

Not sure what kind of mess you ,ean about empty bars - are you just referring to the standard multimeasure rest symbol or something else? You can control whether multimeasure rest symbols are used on the General Style for the part, but turning ithe, off is a very bad idea unless you have a special reason to want to make your musicians count the rests themselves rather than seeing the standard symbol with the count above like all published scores do.

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