Currently, 'Uncompressed MuseScore Format' and 'Compressed MusicXML Format' aren't entirely visible in the Export box, unless you click for the drop-down box.
Could the space be widened to cater for these formats?
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5233) - Mac 10.6.8.
It seems to be platform specific. Can you provide a screenshot.
There are also two types of file dialogs available: build in / native. Selectable in "Preferences->style->use native file dialogs"
I have 'native', and 'use native file dialogs' is ticked.
EDIT: Here's a link to the screenshot .
Native means that mac dialog boxes are uses. MuseScore cannot change anything on this dialogs.
Is it a Mac bug, or Apple's intension?
Using OS standard dialogs.