System spacing

• Jan 21, 2012 - 03:41

On most pages there are only two systems printed, with a large space between the systems. I have gone to style and tried reducing the system spacing, but either it all bunches up with no space, or it reverts back to the very large gap between the systems. How can I find the happy medium so there is normal spacing between the systems?


accidentally added page breaks? A guess, but it is hard to know what is happening as you have provided almost no information.

One alternative is to upload the file so we can look at it.


The pages where the systems are tightly spaced are showing the actual effects of your system space setting. The pages with the large space are happening because MuseScore is automatically stretching out systems on those pages to fill the whole page, and ignoring the system spacing. It does this if the page exceeds the Page Fill Threshold specified in the same dialog where you set the System Space. Turn that threshold up to 100% and then you'll see the real effect of your System Space setting. Then, when you're done, you can if you wish turn the Page Fill Threshold back down as you see fit. The fill feature is actually rather useful once you figure out how it works.

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