harp section - please help

• Jan 16, 2017 - 22:07


I am typesetting an orchestral piece of a modern composer and found the following harp section (see attached picture). What does that notation mean and how can I put it into musescore?

The score is written in a 10/8 time, the top staff is the harp line in treble clef, the bottom one the harp line of the bass clef.

Any ideas? Help is very much appreciated, as I have absolutely no idea what I am looking at and how to reproduce in musescore.

Thanks and best,

Attachment Size
harp_section.jpg 592.38 KB


Top staff looks like some sort of custom notation to suggest the player kind of wave his hand back and forth. Probably easiest to draw that in Inkscape or the like then import the graphic.

Bottom staff I can't say what it means, but it should be easy enough to add two notes per stem, hide the top one, turn the bottom into a slash head.

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