Falls, Slash Marks, & Note Heads

• May 2, 2009 - 17:46

I do mostly big band writing, so falls, "doits" (opposite of falls) are critical for horns.

What's more important is slash marks for the rhythm section and soloists. There's a "correct" term for these, but at work we call them "virgils". I NEED slash marks to write on software. I'm saying this because I love everything else about MuseScore, to the point of finishing the horns on MuseScore, and hand copying the rhythm-section parts. It's cool now, but I'm sure it would get old after a while.

The rhythm section also needs different note heads so they are not confused between chord hits and written notes.

With these three characteristics, "jazzers and rockers" will have a much easier time with MuseScore.


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