Export flow control to iRealPro

• Jan 26, 2017 - 14:17


I'm new to MuseScore. What a fantastic program! I'm currently writing a plugin to directly transfer chord symbols from MuseScore to an iRealPro lead sheet and have been unable to locate the bar repeats, To Coda, Segno, D.C al Capo/Segno and Voltas.

I've looked under element.type and annotation.type without any luck. Are these accessible to plugins?

Thanks for any help,



In reply to by Norman Schmidt

There's no reason it couldn't be made to *appear* to export to iReal Pro directly even if it used MusicXML as an intermediate step. But the advantage would be, then it wouldn't have to be rewritten every release when we tweak the MSCZ format or the plkugin interface - the MusicXML format is much more stable. Also, the part that converts from MusicXML to iReal Pro could be used by users of other software as well.

In reply to by Norman Schmidt

Great, thanks! FWIW, I too will be very interested in an automated way to generate iReal Pro charts from my MuseScore files. I'm not totally against seeing it done as a plugin, but I do think a MusicXML -> iReal Pro converter would be an awesome thing for a number of reasons!

BTW, I don't have a Mac but use iReal Pro all the time on my iPhone, others do so on Android. So it is not Mac only, even if your utility is for now.

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