Beam multiple notes (different voices) in one staff

• Jul 23, 2012 - 20:40

I am trying to learn Musescore (nightly July 20).
This time my assignment is to copy an old engraving :-)
For reference, I attached a a part of the score.
Look at the first (full) measure.

I cannot create this in Musescore.

Breaking the problem down, I want to do two things.
1. I want to create two voices in the first staff, and beam (connect) notes regardless of the voice they are in.
2. I do not want to create (ulgy, distracting) 1/8 th rests in the bottom voice. I want to replace these
with an extra stem on the notes of voice 1. Like in the example.

Thanks for any help!


Attachment Size
nice old engraving.png 56.46 KB


1/ Read Voices

2/ Enter the rests and hide them with right click -> make invisible. I know that a lot of pianists prefer to have the rest though.

Except this, the extract is no problem. Enjoy !

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Wow, thanks for the very fast reply!

For clarity I attachted a test.mscz file, created as per your instructions.
When clicking on the rest, my RMB menu does not include "make invisible".
So I cannot hide the rests. (nightly of july 20)
(I cannot check with Musescore 1.2, it complains that it cannot read this score)

I have the following issues in measure 1:
1. How to create the extra stem on the two notes of voice 1? (see png attachment)
When I use the beam properties as per the manual, Musescore keeps wanting
to connect only the stems from the notes in the same voice, so:
2. How to create a stem over all the notes in measure 1 (both in voice 1 and 2).
And of course how to hide the rests.

Again, thanks in advance for any help.

Attachment Size
test.mscz 2.27 KB

In reply to by jwork123nl

I cannot create the extra stem by selecting it and then elongating, this only seems to work for one stem,
not two stems coming from the same notehead.

And I meant: creating a BEAM over the notes of different voices, not stem.

ps It does not seem to be possible to edit all posts?

In reply to by jwork123nl

It's probably a bad idea to use a nightly to learn MuseScore... You'll find a lot of oddities.
You can't edit a comment if there is a reply to avoid inconsistencies.

You can't beam notes of different voices together but there is no need in your excerpt. You need to enter the two notes to have 2 stems. Your first measure, you need to enter a quarter note on voice 1 and two 8th notes on voice 2.

I agree with lasconic - the nightly builds are not the ones to use for this or any similar project. They are highly experimental and unstable and meant to be used only if you are participating in the development, testing, or documenting of the upcoming new features. It is possible to set notes invisible with that version, but the method is different.

And he is also right in observing that you don't need to beam notes from different voices. The original did not do this, so why would you? Are you perhaps trying to lie about which notes are in which voice, pretending the half note in voice 1 is actually in voice 2? That doesn't make musical sense.

Anyhow, using the current version - 1.2 - I have entered your sample the way a modern editor would likely set it. Note I did not try to combine the half note and eighth notes at the start of each into a single notehead. That's somewhat of an archaic style. They are separate notes in separate voices and should really be shown as such. And I did not delete the rests that are shown - these are necessary for the music integrity of the piece (to show all three beats of each voice in each measure). Not sure where you were getting eighth rests from, though. Pewrhaps this was a side effect of entering notes into the wrong voice?

If you really want to emulate the older style where the eighth notes and half notes are combined, the way to do that is not to lie about what notes are in what voices. It's just to hide the noteheads of the eighth notes and then move them directly in line with the half notes. So I have also attached a second version that does this.

Attachment Size
beams.mscz 1.91 KB
beams 2.mscz 1.96 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc thanks for the expert advice.
I like your version 1 best, it appears to me musically more correct than the original.
And easier to read, since it keeps the two voices more separate visually.
wrt the rests, I was talking about the 1/8 rests that are inserted if you do not create the extra
1/8 note that you "do not play" (see my first file test)
And this was the solution: create an extra not that you do not play and do not trying to beam over different voices and
hide the rests.

Thanks again!

In reply to by jwork123nl

"the extra 1/8 note that you "do not play" (see my first file test)"

But you do play it.

The fact that it is a unison with the other part means that you play it with the same key and with the same finger, but it is still a note belonging to Voice 2 as well as Voice 1.

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