Different note values simustanely

• Aug 22, 2012 - 23:02

If it's possible to do that, i just couldn't find the right way, otherwise, i'd like to request this feature... Like in a Guitar music, when you begin with a chord, sustain the bass (or more notes) and one of those notes moves (like C E G in half notes beginning at the same time of a E eigth note that goes to a F and a G.). I tried doing this using the multiple voices devoce, but then i'd need to add a lot of rests when my music is not poliphonic. Anyways, thanks for the program, it is simply great and sorry for any english mistakes.


If you have different rhythms going on that the same time - like a whole note at the same time as half notes, then by definition, your music *is* polyphonic. So Voices are exactly what you want, and it is correct and necessary to show rests in most cases if a voice is silent for part of a measure. Otherwise people wouldn't be able to tell on what beat the notes in the those voices are occur.

For example, if you have a whole note in one voice, and in another voice you want to have a note enter on beat 3, you need to show the first two beats of rests, otherwise, no one reading the score would be able to tell what beat that note started on.

There *are* certain cases where it would be possible to tell what beat a note falls on even without the leading rests, and in those specific cases, you can hide the rests.

Note voices are not an all-or-nothing thing; you only need to use them on a measure by measure basis. So if the second voice only exists in measure 10, you don't need to show the rests in measure 1-9. It's only the rests in the measure containing the notes where you (usually) need to show the rests.

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