5/4 time signature. Making whole rest span full measure

• Mar 12, 2017 - 16:57

I would like to submit a bug. Normally every measure in 5/4 time, was covered by a whole rest. But since I was deleting a quarter note from a measure, a quarter rest appeared next to a whole rest. To make all the silent measures the same, I would like to delete the quarter rest. But how do I do that? Is this a bug?

Thanks so much in advance!


It's not a bug - sometimes you might *want* to enter explicit rests, and this would be one way to do it. But indeed, you can usually revert to a full measure rest by selecting the full measure and pressing "Delete". The only time this doesn't work - again, not a bug, but by design - is a pickup measure or other measure that has been set to have a different number of beats than given by the time signature. But Cltr+Shift+Delete on the first rest of the measure will turn even that into a full measure rest.

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