Option to have last bar/system not stretch all the way across the page

• Mar 29, 2017 - 03:32

It's a bit annoying how I often I end up with 1-3 bars that end up getting really stretched out at the bottom of the score, and then have to find a way to stretch out the rest to make more of them flow on to the last line to make it all fit. Why can't we just have a "normal" sized (~1 inch) bar at the bottom on its own? :P ("Proper" typesetting and all that be damned)

That said, I understand if this is a limitation of the layout engine. If we can't actually stop it doing this, can we instead make it draw the barlines after the final barline as "invisible"? That way, we have the same result, but the layout engine can be slightly happier?


This already exists. It only gets stretched if the default width exceeds the fill threshold set in Style / General / Page. Also, you can control the length of that last system by appending and sizing a horizontal frame.

Not sure I understand the second part. Are you adding bars after the one you intend to be final? See above, no need for this. But if you do append extra bars for whatever reason, you can hide barlines the same way you hide other elements in MuseScore - select them and press "V" (or use the Inspector).

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